Chapter 3 🔥 Forsaking Destiny

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This chapter is dedicated to YeahThatGirl27 . Dear you rock. Thank you for the continued support.


Flashback. . .


Queen Mystyq slumped on the floor upon seeing her estranged husband.

"You are not welcome here. We had a truce." Queen Sylvanna spat at him.

"Sylvie, Sylvie. My dear, Sylvie. Still a vixen, eh?" He smirked at her then walked towards Mystyq's direction. "I am not here to fight. I want to see my daughter, that's all and of course, my lovely wife." He kneeled down in front of Mystyq and cupped her chin to lock her gaze with him.

"I am no longer your wife."  The Witzardian Queen slapped his hand away and glared.

Veron's laughter reverberated around the chamber. Everyone grew dead silent, anticipating what to do next if ever the unwelcomed visitor was to do any trouble.

"You must keep your distance to Venus. Leave now!"  Lord Ronheiled demanded with anger. He couldn't tolerate his presence any longer.

"It's not part of the truce. Not letting me see my daughter is in fact an act of breaking such treaty. We wouldn't want to end up starting a war by ourselves, won't we?"

Veron said the words while smiling but his tone spoke of a thousand threats. Although, truthfully, he was actually being honest. He only wanted to see his daughter. He longed to break free from exile for two reasons only—his daughter and wife.

"You will have a proper time for reunion but it's not today. You agreed on the truce in order to end the Angelic Requiem, unfortunately, Venuscha is busy preparing for it now. No time to spare." Pearl stepped forward and faced the sorcerer unfazed. Her chest was glowing, the Amulet was pulsating.

"Woooh, scary." Veron faked a shiver, shaking his body in exaggeration all the while with a taunting smirk plastered on his lips.

"Veron, you are wasting our time. Too much things needs to be discussed. Leave now." Mystyq ordered.

"Dear wife, my queen. Must you be so harsh on me?" He smile at her while cooing then turned to the rest of the council and added, "I'm afraid, I must insist. Bring Venuscha here or I will go and look for her myself." He used a no non-sense voice this time his facial expression was void of any emotion. The play was over.

The chamber doors opened without any warning before anyone could react to Veron's threats. Aldrik came in rushing only to stop abruptly when he came face to face with King Veron himself.

"Aldrik, where are your manners? You cannot bolt in just like that. This is a closed door council meeting." Lord Romheild's reprimanding voice echoed. He was angry but fear was dominating him just by mere looking at how near his son to the sorcerer.

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