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It was 6:45 pm and we were making the final touches. I was so excited for this party. We had a table stacked with presents, and some fans sent some too that we added over there. I also curled my hair, while Katelyn and Christina did something totally different. Katelyn put her hair in a nice bun, and Christina left hers down with some small waves. When i went downstairs, as of right now it was 6:55 pm. We all hid behind stuff and turned off all the lights. Then the "What Ifs" started to come back. What if he didn't like this? What if he breaks up with me for "Forgetting" His birthday. I stopped myself from the what ifs and stayed there. I checked my phone quick and it was 6:59 pm. I was in the middle of Katelyn and Christina behind a table by the front door. They thought i should be somewhere closer to him than the others since i was his girlfriend.

When we heard the door unlock, and then hear Jack's voice say 'Why is it so dark? Where is everyone? And can i go change out of my tux?' Then the front door closed and The lights came on. We all jumped up and screamed 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!' He stood there in shock. He instantly saw me and ran up to me. He gave me a hug and kiss. 'Thank you so much guys! I thought you all just forgot.' He said, as we laughed. 'Babe should i go change into white to match you?' he asked. 'You're already matching me.' I say, lifting my wrist and moving his next to mine. He smiled and kissed me again.

We all partied and had a good time. Then it was time for cake. We handed out the cake and enjoyed talking and eating. Then it was time for presents. He looked at the table full of presents and looked at me. 'Now i feel bad.' he said. 'Why?' I ask. 'Because we barely did anything on your birthday, and you didn't get as much stuff.' he said. 'That's fine, and i did get a surprise from you.' I say, almost laughing and crying. 'What was it?' he asked. 'Well first, our amazing bracelets, and 2 the fact that i found out you made someone inside of me.' I say with a tear rolling down my cheek while laughing. He laughs a bit too and then wipes the tear from my cheek.

After opening a lot of great presents, he finally gets to mine. When he opens it he looks shocked. I thought he didn't like it at first, but then he smiles. I got him a bunch more clothes, a teddy bear, a promise ring that is identical to mine, and a bunch of pictures of the months we spent together. 'I absolutely love it, Emma.' he said, almost crying. He set the box down and put his face in his palms. 'How did i get so lucky?' he asked. No one answered. 'How did i get so lucky, to have a girlfriend like you?' He said, taking his face out of his palms.

He comes up to me and scoops me up into a big hug. Everyone was watching us. He kissed me and thanked me for what felt like a billion times. We continued on with our night, dancing and partying until the party came to an end. Everyone went home, and it was just Katelyn, Christina, the boys, Jack, and I here now. Katelyn, Daniel, Christina, and Corbyn decided to go to bed. The rest of us watched a movie, until Zach and Jonah went upstairs to bed. Jack turned off the TV and we went upstairs.

We walked into his room and he shut the door and locked it. I went into the bathroom and took off my makeup, brushed out my hair and put it into a messy bun, then walked out. I got undressed and got my Pajama's out, and before i could even get them on, Jack came up behind me and started kissing my neck. He left love bites then started moving down. He turned me around so i was facing him, then he picked me up where my legs were wrapped around his waist and he was holding me up.

We walked over to the bed and he set me down. 'Is it okay if we do this?' He asks. 'Perfectly fine with me.' I say back. He starts kissing my neck again an then slowly going down to my chest. Before i knew it, we were both naked, on the bed, and what felt like brought back memories. This is the first time we had sex since the miscarriage, and i enjoyed it. I missed having fun with Jack. We eventually finished and got under the covers. We cuddled with each other and then soon, falling asleep.

Emma PaulWhere stories live. Discover now