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When i woke up in the morning, Jack was still asleep so i decided to get up and take a shower. When i got out, I went out to change into some clothes. Once i was changed, i looked over at him and smiled. When i looked over at him, he was still laying there naked, and reminded me that we had sex last night. I looked around and saw nothing. Garbage.... nothing, everywhere in the room that i could possibly think of like clothes, drawers, under the bed, everywhere and still nothing. I checked the bathroom.. nothing. There were no used condoms and no condom wrappers. This may sound weird but i pulled down the covers slowly and quietly and checked Jack, still nothing. I covered him back up and started to panic. We didn't use protection!

I ran into Daniel's room and woke up Katelyn. Daniel was already downstairs, so it was just us. I shut the door behind me and then went over to her. She was still asleep, so i jumped on the bed and shaking her till she woke up. Eventually when she woke up she yawned and rubbed her eyes. I sat down and a tear rolled down my cheek, yet i was expressionless. 'What's wrong?' she asked, getting concerned. 'Last night, after the party...' I said. 'Jack and I had sex, and this morning i looked at him and it reminded me.' i said. 'But when i looked around for condom wrappers or a used condom, there was none!' I told her. She looked at me. 'Did you check him?' She asked. 'Yes, and i found nothing!?!' i said. She shot up from the bed and dragged me out of the room and into Jack's room. He was still asleep, and we checked everywhere one last time.

After we check about a million more times, she dragged me downstairs to the guys. 'Guys, big problem!' She says to the guys. Jack was the only one still asleep. We all sat on the couch and the guys listened. 'Emma and Jack had sex last night after the party. She got reminded of it this morning and checked everywhere for a used condom or condom wrapper. She found nothing. When she came and told me, we went into their room and checked again about a million times. We found nothing. She even checked him and found nothing either.' she explained to them. They just stared at me and then Zach started to talk. 'So, you may be pregnant?' He asks. 'It could be possible, yes.' I said. 'We need to get you checked and once we know for a fact if your pregnant or not, then we tell Jack.' Corbyn said. I'm glad i had friends like them.

Corbyn: (Yea i know right. Shocking to see his POV XD)

After Katelyn explained what happened and talked for a bit, we decided it would be best if Katelyn and Emma went to the doctors. I could tell Emma was scared, because she wouldn't want to have another miscarriage, she was worried it would happen again. When we saw Jack come downstairs he immediately asked where Emma was. 'She went shopping with Katelyn.' i said. 'Do you know when they'll be back?' he started to get worried. 'No, they didn't say. But do you guys want to watch a movie since we're all here?' Everyone said sure and we started watching a movie. When the movie ended we decided to watch another. I remembered when Emma told all of us that if she texts us a P shes pregnant, and if a N shes not pregnant. 

  About half way through the movie i feel my phone buzz.  I checked it and it was a text from Emma saying 'On our way home. By the way....'

Sorry that this chapter is short....
I wanted to make a cliffhanger XD
Enjoy the rest, and i promise to make the next chapters longer than this.
- Cat xx

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