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I wake up to my alarm clock, practically blasting in my ear. I reach over to turn it off, but when I try, something holds me back. I look over to the sleeping figure next to me, one to be known as Jack.

"Are you going to turn that off babe?" He asks in a low raspy voice.

"Well, you're kind of holding me in place, so I can't." I say as I roll my eyes at him. He ends up loosening his grip on me, allowing me to turn off the alarm clock then laying back down to face him.

He looks down at me and gives a sweet smile, placing a small kiss to my lips.

"Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" He asks, still looking at me.

"Honey, I'm fine." I say while laughing. "I could use some water though."

He sighs as he gets up and rubs his eyes, walking out of the room. I lay in bed, smiling to myself, remembering that Jack and I are now engaged, and have a baby that is on the way. I don’t think that life could get any better than this.

Soon, Jack comes back with a water bottle that is almost half empty.

“Uh, Jack? Why is this half empty?” I say, looking at the bottle, then at him where he stands.

“I got a little thirsty coming back up here.” He shrugs. I let out a little laugh before taking a gulp of water. When the water goes down my throat, It feels so refreshing. When I woke up this morning, my throat felt dry and sticky, almost like it would if I was sick.

“Should I go down and start breakfast?” He asks, pulling a shirt over his head, and covering his torso.

“Yes, please.” I say to him. He leans over to me, giving me a quick kiss before walking downstairs to start cooking.

I sigh as I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Since I’m pregnant, going to the bathroom is very frequent. I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, as soon as I get comfortable I have to get up and go to the bathroom, then get back in bed and hope that I can get comfortable again. It’s always the same thing, every night, but having Jack there has helped a lot.

Jack always helps with stuff like, making meals, holding my hair back when I throw up, getting the things that I need, like Ibuprofen and water if my head hurts. And just like this morning, when he asked if I need anything, that is also an occurrence.

After using the toilet, I go to the sink to brush my teeth and hair. After brushing my teeth and hair, I grab my morning face wash. Everyday I always do some skin care stuff to make my skin good, and by ‘skin care stuff’ I mean stuff like morning and night face washes, cleansers, moisturizers, etc.

I walk out of the bathroom and quickly get dressed into:

(Be aware that she is pregnant, so her stomach is bigger, lmao. Okay bye)

As soon as I was done changing, I heard the fire alarm go off. I went out of Jack and I’s room and downstairs as fast as I could. (Which isn’t really that fast.) I saw Jack waving a towel at the fire alarm to get the smoke away from it.

“What the hell is going on!?” I ask, practically shouting so he can hear me over the alarm. He turns to face me with an awkward grin on his face.

“I’m making breakfast!” He replies back.

When he finally gets the alarm to stop, I look at him. I’m guessing my face looks like I just got sick or something is wrong, because right after I did that face, he comes running up to me, asking if I’m okay.

Emma PaulWhere stories live. Discover now