Chapter Three

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That's when it clicked. He used me. I turn to face the shop to see if I can notice him. The rest of the group were now here and trying to ask where I last had it. I was too distracted to actually talk to them plus they'd probably be angry at me for letting not happen. It's not my fault his eyes were....

Rain falls all over, it slides down me. My hair drips with water. I watch as a hooded figure runs out of the shop followed by a was him. Without any hesitation I was gone. Shouts came after me, the adrenaline blocked them out. I race around the corner into an alley....dark alley. I would say it's like a horror film except I'm the one that's the most prepared.

I see him slide to the floor while the man continues to kick. I don't know what happened. I can't believe I did it.  I grabbed the man by his throat and slammed him against the wall...I already scared him but my fist raised itself. Next thing I know his on the floor trying to back away from me. He was scared. Scared of me. I've always been known as the nice and talkative type not the one that will fight and hurt people.

"Tae..." I voice says behind me I turn to see them standing there watching in horror. Jin had rushed over to the boy who he thought was innocent. The man on the floor scrambled to his feet and ran...but I stopped him. Before you think that I'm about to beat I face the boy while standing infront of the man "give it to me now" for a change my voice was strong and powerful. He pulled out a wallet from his pocket and gave it to me. Jin moved away slightly as the others watched in concussion. I placed the wallet onto the man's hand and stepped aside allowing him to leave.

"Now, give me what you took from me"

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