Chapter Eleven

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Suga's pov, continued

"I swear, please...I refused this time" Jungkooks voice was shakey as his eyes filled with tears. I sigh, I don't want to make his life harder but I don't want him to drag Taehyung with what I did with Jimin. "Someone explain right now!?" Jin was glaring at me. I hate talking about my past....not even Jimin knew this.

I walk over and take a seat next to jin. "Before I met any of you, I...I fucked up", oh god I thought I'd be able to do this, "I was with a group that stole, and sold... mostly drugs, we got a call one night from a guy saying he was out and that he needed it....I volunteered to fly here and give it, I went in the house and overheard talking.... something about what he managed to get off people, people he manipulated" I froze the memories of it all scared me, what I saw was something that should never of happened. Jimin was sitting by my side, I thought he'd hate me, I thought he'd be scared but instead he held my hand tightly. "I gave him the drugs...but before I made them stronger so that they'd knock him out I thought it would give you time to run...after what I saw him do to you and your friend I wanted to hurt him so much....I was going to, but the day before I left I met you guys and I couldn't see what it would be like without you all, I was going to come back but the group I was with hated me and all of you so I gave up" I could feel my eyes getting watery, I hate this. "Every night I hoped you managed to get away, I replayed what I saw...your friend", this is too much I covered my face by my hands hoping this would all go away. "My father forced me to make friends and take things by manipulating them...when he killed him..I.. I wanted to end it all but I saw you there, then I met Tae......for the first time in my life I felt like I was wanted that I wasn't alone" Jungkook says as I tear falls.

"Why didn't you tell anybody?" Namjoon asks me while the others were deciding on what to do. I hadn't spoken after that, Jimin just sat right next to the entire time and still hasn't left my side. They wanted to help him, to end this hell. We only have three more days here, one of those is taken for the market.

"No one asked"

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