Chapter seventeen

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Tae's pov.

We all wait in anticipation, when the door re-opens. Suga emerges and casually walks up to us. He pulls his phone out without a word and holds it to his ear. "Hello, yes....I overhead a few shouts out in pain from this house...I think they were broken into..." Suga continues to talk and then gives an address. "We should leave before they see us" he opens the car door and climbs in. "What did you do...?" Jimin asks nervously. "We just talked" the way he said it sent a shiver down our spines....that did not just talk.

"Jungkook..was taken to this building, they just dumped him" Suga continues tells Jin where to go. Jimin was on the phone to Jhope and Namjoon to tell them what and where they need to meet us. "His all alone..." I stare out the window and watch the world go by. A little girl ran by the cars laughing with her brother, a man on his bike rode by them nearly falling off. If only they knew what was showing on around them.

The car comes to a halt all of a sudden. Jin gets out and talks to namjoon, I watch their concerned faces. I hear Suga sigh heavily "they don't want us to go in...". I can't not go in, it didn't matter how many times I told them though. In the end me, Jimin and Suga all stood leaning on a gate waiting for the other three to find him and bring him back...bring him to me.

Namjoon came out carrying a limp body, blood dripping off it. Jin walking next to them constantly checking the body while Jhope was on the phone. Oh god...what did they do to you? I see his face closely, blood was leaking out his mouth, his eyes were closed and red from being hit.

Sirens fill the air as we all stand away while Jin crouched over the body performing CPR.

Please wake up....please....I can't lose you..not now....

.....not ever.

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