Chapter Ten

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"I brought some ugh....sweets" Jungkook speaks almost at a whisper to me. All I could do was smile at him.

To think that it would then fall apart, ruined me in that moment.

Suga's P.o.v

He doesn't understand, he will never understand. I lean against the corner of the room and let out a sigh. I can't even watch. I can see it in his face he remembers, he remembers everything. I feel someone watching causing me to turn my head. Jimin. What does he want? I sigh. I can just make out what he mouthed to me...'will you just be happy for him, what's your problem?'. Let me guess Tae noticed and asked him. Tch, just because....I li...i talk to him.

Jimin is glaring at me, it's actually really annoying but relatable to be honest. Their all talking and having a great time....I can't believe he thinks that I don't know. "Suga...please just have fun and we can talk later, okay?" Jimin says holding my arm to stop me if I tried to leave. "Sure" I say, clearly sounding very sarcastic. As soon as he let go of Jungkook looked right at me, I watched the memories flood back to him. He sits frozen in fear.

Taehyung noticed and stood, "what's going on with you two!?, Why can't you just get along...for me" I could hear the shakes in his voice as he shouted. The others watched. "Ever since you laid eyes on him you've been harsh and silent! Why can't you just leave me alone and be happy for once!?" He continues to shout. I stand and listen to everything he has to say (...or shout), I don't want to break him. Jungkook was panicking, "I's not what you think" he stands, his hands shaking.

"You better be fucking right" my hands go into fists as I stand up straight and look him right in the eyes...

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