Chapter Eight

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One day it took for me to fall in love with somebody. "How are you?" Jimin asks me as he sits opposite me. "...." I wonder if he likes me. Stop being a teenager with a crush. Ughh. Jimin had now walked away to Suga. "I'm good... huh" I look around and notice he'd gone. I must've thought for a while I guess.

"Today's plan is to, get people to come to the market where other people will be selling their own products" Jin says handing huge packs of flyers to each of us. "me and hyung will go south" Jimin says smiling as Yoongi took the flyers off him and held them all. Cute. "Is it okay if I'm by myself I want to think about things you know" Jhope says smiling shyly, "I'll go west". "Us three...?" Jin asks me I kindly declined. I'm going east...alone. East...where Jungkook lives...

There were a lot of shops and people, ugh people. I walk over towards a closed shop and stand outside. Every person that walked past I held a flyer out. So many people rushing by and avoiding contact with me. "What's this for then?" An elderly man walks over smiling. "Oh it's a market where people sell products they've and a group are doing this as part of a project" I say handing one over to him. "Ohh nice, I'll bring my wife along, we're tourists so she'll be very interested" he says turning around and pointing over to a woman who was walking slowly out of a shop. "Oh I'm not from here either, just here to pass my exam" I reply. "Ah I see well best be going that old swan will get lost without me" with that he swiftly waved his hand and walked over to her. She smiled at me as she read it.

"Hey" a voice shouts out I turn thinking they wanted a flyer. It was Jungkook, he took it and read it infront of me. "can I come?...with you?.. to help sell it" he says putting it inside his pocket. "I..guess, don't suppose you wanna help" I force half the pile into his hands. I couldn't help but smirk knowing nthat he'd fail more than me...I was mistaken. He casually walked to people and gave it to them smiling and saying he hoped that they have a good off. "You know your bumping into people" I manage to shout to him over talking. "See, that's the point" he replies. I notice what he ment, all the people walking into him had got a flyer in their pocket. He was sneaking them in. Clever...not clever enough though.

With that the contest had begun. "Oh I see what your doing" Jungkook says smirking at me.

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