Chapter Four

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For once in my life they are starting to see me as an adult.

"Okay so if you grab your pencils have a go at your designs, don't worry if you don't have one we have spares" jins voice filled the entire hall room. We had to get them interested in out product but first we decided to let them create their own. I put my hand inside my pocket and mess around with my phone. It turns out that the money wasn't the only thing he took...he stole my phone too.

"Hey, can you help me" a small voice causes me to jump slightly. A small boy stood looking up at me tugging on my jacket. "yeah, what do you need help with" I say following him over to his group. "We wanted to do a thingy that helps with ummm...things" he scratches his head. The group laughs slightly. "We want to make something that will stop the monsters from in our closets and under the beds" a girl says quietly as she swirls her pencil around the paper. "Oh well let's see" I sit down with my legs crossed and let my imagination go wild.

We'd come up with a few things and they seemed really pleased. They were laughing practically the entire time. The boy from before found a paper crown and put it on my head. "Ahhh your a king now" he says giggling. "Who's your Queen...or king" he tilts his head at him. Queen?.....king? Huh. Clever kids, they understand quite a lot. "Hey Tae we need you to take a few kids to the toilet" nice toilet duties. I sigh as I stand and leave the group. Before I went I hear one of them shout to me, they don't want me to take my crown of. I smile as I walk with the toilet group. "Mister, your phone is flashing" a boy says as he walks into the bathroom.

I pull my phone out as I wait. 'One new notification' what a surprise.....wait what!?

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