5. Double Date With a Vampire

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                   With the sound of Katy Perry’s Dark Horse playing in the background, I shot awake, my hair all over my head like a fiery halo of tangled hell. A comb couldn’t fix this, Jesus couldn’t fix this. Annoyed at my interrupted sleep, and my wild hair, I stomped out of bed and threw the front door open, slamming my fist down onto one of the neighbor’s doors. The door flew open and my fist hit midair.

                Standing before me is a tall black haired woman with piercing blue eyes and angular features. Easily comparable to a crow, she towers over me with lanky yet perfectly skinny limbs. On her body she is dressed in a black nightgown, making her pale skin stand out more against her bones. She looked me up and down and I blushed, realizing I’m in my underwear and a tank top. Her face twisted up into a smile. “Well, hello, neighbor.” She winked and I raised an eyebrow.

                “Look, can you turn that down? I’m trying to sleep.” I crossed my arms over my chest to hide that I’m nipping pretty hard for it’s cold in this hallway.

                She seemed to notice, her face brightening up. “What are you going to give me if I turn it down?”

                “Um…the lack of my presence for I’ll go back to bed and leave you alone.” I snorted. She is weird. Who plays Katy Perry at this time of the morning? What is wrong with all of the residents that live here? Jace does this too.

                “Eh, sounds boring. I have a better idea. Go out on a little double date with me tonight and I’ll turn off the music completely.” She leaned up against the door, crossing one slim ankle over the other. How does she make that look so cool?

                “D-double date?” I stuttered, shifting uncomfortably.

                “Yeah.” She narrowed her eyes at me, her eyes light and teasing. “I am meeting with these two guys and you’re very attractive. I figured it would help me to focus on just one guy if you were there to occupy the one I choose not to focus on. You know, girl code and all.” She waved her hand in the air as if what she is saying is common knowledge.

                Except for the fact that I have hardly any friends with the exception of Jace if she even counts because…she’s crazy and all. “Girl code?” I whispered.

                “Yeah, you know, sticking out for one another, girls for life.” She bit down on her perfectly plump bottom lip and I furrowed my eyebrows together. “Dress cute, I’ll see you at seven thirty. I told them seven but nothing is cooler than being fashionably late.”

                “But I didn’t even agree to—”

                “Can’t wait!” She slammed the door shut and then the music cut off soon after.

                I silently flung my arms in the air in frustration. How do these things keep happening to me? It’s all because of Jace. I should have never agreed to live with her. With a shake of my head, I knocked on Justin’s door.

                Quickly the door opened and Justin’s big head peeped through. “Kasey?” he hissed. “What do you want?” He yawned and I zeroed in on his facial stubble and the unruliness of his hair.

                “What do you do on double dates?” I tugged at the hem of my tank top and then blushed, remembering I am in my underwear.

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