Chapter Two

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Aaron POV:
I can't sleep... this feeling doesn't leave me, I want to believe they're humans, but I just can't... why did I have to ask dad to tell us that story? I should go to sleep and tomorrow I will try to get us out of the village, then go back home...

*the next day*
I knock on her door "Melissa?" I don't get an answer, so I open the door, she is not in her room "Where is she?" I go look for her "Good morning Aaron!" I look behind "Good morning princess" she giggles "You can call me Aphmau." I ask "Have you seen my sister? She is not in her room." princess says "She is in the kitchen with Vincent." I walk to the "Melissa" she sees me "Hey Aaron, did you sleep well?" I say "Yeah. Is this Vincent??" he has a pale skin, red eyes and black hair "Nice to meet you." this guy looks very pale "Melissa, can we... talk?" she says "Sure!" Vince leaves for a moment "Do you trust this guy?" she says "I mean... he's pretty nice. I know what you are thinking. He looks like a vampire and I agree with you." I say "I think we need to go home tomorrow. I will go search for Alex." I go outside to see if he is in the backyard "There you are!" he runs towards me and licks me "Let's get you inside." I pick him. I feel a presence behind me, I turn around, I get scared "Princess, you scared me!" I hold the dog "Sorry, I wanted to invite you to lunch." I ask "You and me?" she nods "I guess I will accept." she smiles "Great! I will see you at the restaurant Aaron." she walks away "It's just lunch Aaron, nothing to worry about." I sigh.

*time skip*
I walk in the restaurant "Mr. Lycan!" I see a guy with white hair and emerald green eyes "Follow me" I follow him to a table near the window. The princess is wearing a purple shirt, black ripped jeans and white shoes "Hi Aaron!" I sit down "Ripped jeans?" she says "A new style. Like them? I know it's 1950, but I like to try new things." I say "They're ok on you." she smiles "What can I get you??" she says "A plate of spaghetti, 2 glasses of red wine and breadsticks." I look confused at her "We are going to share the plate~" I blush a bit "We just met yesterday." she says "I know, if we finish the plate in 30 minutes, we will win a prize." I raise an eyebrow "Ok?"

*one hour later*
"I can't believe you ate 10 breadsticks without throwing up. Werewolves can eat that much." she says "I can't help it when it's about breadsticks." I look at the prize I won: a collar for Alexander "I hope he will like the collar." I feel a drop of water on my cheek, I see gray clouds on the sky "Let's hurry" we run as fast as we could to the castle. We go inside "I'm going to sleep, we'll leave." she asks "Tomorrow? Why?" I say "We do not stay in a village more than two nights." I go upstairs to my bedroom, I get ready for bed and I lay on my bed.

*midnight time*
I hear a loudly scream, it wakes me up "MELISSA!!" I run to her bedroom and kick the door, it's locked "MELISSA!!" I hear footsteps "What's going on??" it's the princess "Melissa is locked and the door won't open!!" she takes out a few keys, then uses one to unlock the door as fast as she could. I open it and what I see it makes my face really pale... my sister is bleeding from the neck "No..." I run towards her... she has 2 holes on her neck "Melissa..." she is unconcious "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??" the guy is looking at me with guilt, he looks very familiar "Vince...?" he says "I'm sorry" anger fills me "I knew it, this village is the one father told us. It's the vampire village. I'm leaving!" I carry her "Wait, Aaron!!" I yell "Alexander!!" the dog is barking and running "You can't leave! You have to stay!" I ignore her "Please Aaron!" the gates are open. When I go through, Melissa starts to wake up "It will be fine." she holds me "Melissa" I gasp when I notice her fangs "Aaron" I sit near a tree after I ran for 5 minutes "Everything is ok now..." she says "You were right... i'm so sorry" her eyes are red "Am I a...?" I say "Yes... but I won't give up until I will find a cure." Alex is barking "What is it boy?" a bush close to us is moving "We need to go now." I help her walk "I can walk." we run as fast as we could "We need to go to the witch!" I ask "Lucinda? She is way too far away!" she says "Do we have other choice?" she grabs me and Alexander, then a pair of bat wings appear on her back. She flies while holding us "Your wings are dark gold." she says "I saw, I just want to be human again." I sigh "I know" she flies for a ten minutes, then she stops "Here we are" the house is a big red one "Lucinda!" the door opens by itself. We walk in "Melissa? What-" she gasps "What happened to you??" I say "She got bitten by a vampire." she looks at me "Good to see you Aaron." I say "You too" I close the door "Can you make a cure to turn her back? I do not want her to get killed." Lucinda says "I will try to make a cure. Until then, just make yourself comfortable, alright??" Alexander barks happily "Aww a dog! What a cute dog~!" she pets him "He's Alexander" I sit down with Melissa "It will be ok." I hold her, she is crying "It will be ok..." I pet her hair, I always do that when she is sad, even if she is the big sister "You guys can eat anything." I smile "Thanks" Melissa is sleeping on my shoulder, I let out a quiet chuckle.

The unknown village (Aarmau AU)Where stories live. Discover now