Chapter Nineteen

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Aaron POV:
Melissa shaked all night, she couldn't sleep for even one second "Aaron, we need to leave immediately." I say "We can't leave alone. You know what did happen last time. I will talk with Aph, ok?" she nods. I leave her with Balto, then I go find Aphmau. She is with the king again "Aphmau, can we talk for a second?" in a second she is next to me "Melissa doesn't feel well. Is it ok if we leave a bit earlier?" she says "We will leave in afternoon, don't worry, ok...?" I nod, then I go outside to wait for her.

Aphmau POV:
"I'm glad you took your time to visit. I hope I will see you again soon." I fake a smile "I will try." I am about to leave "Aphmau wait!" Devon comes running "Could you come to my room? I need to tell you something important." he is talking about the case "Alright alright I'm coming." he drags me to his room "I have proof of who killed the Lycans and I hope you will believe me." I nod "I trust you Devon, you are not like D. What proof you have??" he points at a mirror "The mirror?" he says "It's the mirror of the truth. It shows you what you need to see. It never lied" he says "Mirror mirror on the wall, please tell us who killed Derek and Rachel Lycan right now." the image is spinning for a few seconds. I see Derek fighting with a masked man and he seems to win. I hold my mouth as I see Derek getting stabbed "Derek..." the image changes with Rachel cooking. A guy sneaked at the window and put something in her food. She eats the food and she seems ok. The image changes again and she looks sick "It was from the food..." the image changes one last time. The guy is paid by the masked man and leaves happily. The man takes off his mask... it shows who it is and the mirror goes back to normal "It was my father... he is the guilty." I'm very angry, so angry that I would destroy the kingdom "He kicked mom out of the kingdom too." I yell "WHY DID HE DO THAT?" he says "He killed the Lycans for power. They were powerful and always saved the ones in danger. He paid a guy to put a strong poison in Rachel's food to make her die slowly." my face is so red right now "Please Aph, take me with you. I don't want to rule the kingdom. I wish I was just a simple human like mom." I ask "Are you a full blooded demon?" he nods "Pack your things and meet us outside." I run downstairs and find Aaron outside "What happened?" he is running behind me "Get the others. We are returning back to my village."

*Few hours later*
"So the king of demons killed both of them?" I say "Only Derek. He hired a spy to poison Rachel." Balto says "The 2 will be devastated if they find out." I still feel heartbroken "Do you want-" I cut him off "I'll tell them myself." I go upstairs to Melissa's room, finding the 2 in there "Is there something wrong Aph?" I take a deep breath "I... I found out... who... killed Derek and Rachel..."

Aaron POV:
Aphmau's face gets wet from tears "It was D all along. He stabbed Derek and hired a spy to poison Rachel. I'm... i'm so sorry..." I feel like I got a knot in my chest. Melissa is crying... I collapse on my knees and hit the floor with fists, I can't hold my tears "He will pay... he'll pay with his own life!!" Aphmau tries to calm us "Don't kill him. You are not like him. He will be executed. We will do a trial tomorrow." I calm "Thanks... thanks a lot Aph for solving the case. It means a lot to us." he smiles "Devon showed me the proof..." the girls hug.

*The next day*
"Silence in the court!!" no one speaks "King D, you are accused for the crime of Derek and Rachel. What do you say to defend yourself??" the king takes a minute to speak "Nothing. I am guilty. I knew I would get caught one day." I glare at him "Why did you kill them?" he says "It's a long story. May i say it?" the judge lets him speak "My father... he hated the Lycan family. He always said they are better than us, because they help people. He forced me to kill the next generation because I married a human..." everyone gasp "Your son said you did it for power." he says "I... I lied to protect him. I didn't want my son to go on the same fate as I went. I did everything to protect my wife and son. I never kicked her from kingdom, I sent her somewhere safe. I felt guilt, guilt for killing a kind man, paying a teenager to poison a sweet woman. I never meant to kill them. I'm sorry." I look down "Aaron and Melissa Lycan, what is the next fate you'll choose for the king?" we get up and look at him. I look at Melissa, she nods and we both say "Innocent" everyone gasp again "I umm, are you 2 sure?" we nod "Only a condition. His people need to be nicer to the other creatures." the judge says "Very well. King D, from now on, you will have to rule better, your demons have to be nicer. Court is now closed." the judge hits the hammer. We leave the court "Aaron, I thought you 2 will choose guilty." I say "He may be guilty, but it wasn't his fault. Lycans never, I mean ever punish the once who were forced." Aph hugs me "I always knew you have a gold heart." Melissa giggles "Yeah, I've been told that a few times." we walk home together after this day of judge "Mom... dad... I hope you both are happy with the decision we took..."

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