Chapter Eleven

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Aaron POV:
Today i'm going to learn how to be the king, even if I didn't agree to this, nor Aph did, but I have to... at least will be Garte my teacher. Right now we're on our way to his O'Khasis, Garroth, Zane and Vylad agreed to come "Father will teach you the basics today." I sigh "It's going to be a long week." Melissa looks at me "It's going to be fine." Vylad says "If Aaron becomes the king, you'll be a princess." Melissa gasps "A princess?" oh no "Mom will teach you how to act like one." Melissa gets excited, I feel a bit tired "Didn't you rest last night?" I look at Zane, then at Aphmau "Really? Again?" I close my eyes "Aphmau, you need to stop." she says "I can't help it, I love him." I feel her head on my arm...

*3 hours later*
"Aaron, we arrived." I open my eyes "I though it'll take longer." we get out of the carriage "Welcome to O'Khasis!" I look around, it's more bigger than our home village "Let's go" we walk to the castle "Sir Garroth, sir Zane, sir Vylad" the guards bow "We're here to see our parents with princess and the Lycans: Aaron and Melissa" they gasp "Yes yes, right this way." Melissa holds me "Sis, it's ok." we keep walking, until we get to a giant door "King Garte, your sons are here." the guard signals the guys, I wait here with the girls. I hear cheers, then Garroth signals us to come in, we enter "Aphmau dear!" Aph hugs them "You have grown so much!" she bows "Thank you Zianna!" right when Garte sees us, his eyes widen. We just stand, looking at them "Aaron...? Melissa...?" we nod and bow "Oh thank Irene you two are ok." Zianna hugs us tight "So... it is true... they are dead..." a silence is upon us "Come with me, you must be hungry after this long trip you had." I get a bit dizzy "Aphmau..." she looks at me "I-I need..." she says "Garte, I need to get something for them, I'll be back in a second." Garroth holds me "What happened? Is your hunger growing??" I feel my eyes turning red "Hang on" I hold Melissa as she's about to fall "The rooms are prepared for you all." Lady Zianna is very sweet "Where is Aph??" Garroth puts us on chairs "I'm back!!" Aphmau holds bottles "Aphmau, what did you kill?" she says "Chickens" she gives me and Melissa a bottle, I drink. I feel my eyes turn back to the original color "Thanks" she smiles "Aaron... do you know why are you here?" I say "I am here to learn how to be a king." he smiles "You have the important things to be a king: braveness, loyalty, the art of fighting and hunting" he continues "You need to learn how to act politely, as a king, as someone fancy." Garroth groans "Dad!" Garte laughs "I was just joking son." I just stay quiet "Oh, I just remembered something. Your parents left something here for you! I'll go get them." Zianna goes somewhere to get the items "Aaron, what is that in your pocket?" I hide the letter "It's nothing" he takes it and opens it "Dad!" I signal Garroth that it's ok "About Aphmau..." he looks at me "Since when are you 2 dating?" Aphmau smiles "For a while" she holds my arm "When will be your wedding??" we blush "DAD!" all three yelled at Garte "I'm sorry, I wanted to make a joke." Melissa giggles "I got the items~!" Zianna is holding a box and a sword "Melissa, Rachel wanted to give this to you." she gives the box to her, I watch her opening it "This is-" I finish "Her necklace" dad bought it for mom and I saw her always wearing it "This is for you Aaron. Derek's first sword." she gives me the sword. I look at it "It was his??? He never told me he used a sword." my grip gets tighter on the red and black sword "Why is it red?" Zane says "Maybe he painted it?" Garte says "He did... red is the eyes color of our... werewolf friends..." he talks about the parents of Balto "Black shows the hair color he has." we both have black hair "Aaron...?" my tears fall on the sword "Little brother??" i'm crying again "He rarely cries, he tries to be tough." Aph and Melissa hug me "I know it's hard." Zianna puts a hand on my shoulder "I know they're watching you two, being proud that they gave birth to two kids who are now lovely adults." I wipe my tears "Thank you Zianna..." she smiles and gives me a on the cheek. Aphmau growls "My man!" everyone laughs at her jealousy "Really Aphmau? On our mother too? You need some help." she blushes embarrassed "There is a thing I should tell you guys..." everyone look at her "I am pregnant!" my eyes widen and my face goes pale "You're what??" Zianna hugs her tight "I'm so happy! I will be an aunt. How many kids you'll have?" Melissa waves her hand at my face "Two and the father is my future husband." I fall on the ground "Aaron! Aaron!" Garte helps me up "You're the father, aren't you." I slowly nod "Kids? Are you serious Aphmau?" Garroth is yelling "What's wrong with that??" he says "You aren't even married yet and you are Aaron's first relationship!! He doesn't know how is it to be in one!" I say "Garroth, it's ok." he looks at me "I know how to take care of a child. This is new for me, but I'll be fine." he gets worried "Are you sure?" I nod "Fine..." Garte says "We should celebrate about that later. For now, let's eat." plates of food are settled on the table, every of us take what they like and start to eat.

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