Chapter Seventeen

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Aaron POV:
I still think about what dad said. Who is 'he'? What is he? I've been thinking all night about that, I didn't sleep and I don't feel tired, maybe it's just one of the vampire things. Just as I am about to get up, Aphmau comes with food, a breakfast in bed "You didn't sleep??" I say "Only for 3 hours, then I woke up. I don't feel tired." she sits next to me. I help her with the tray "Do you like it? I made the food with my heart." I kiss her forehead "Of course I do." she says "You did so much for me and others, I don't know how to thank you." I look at her ring. After the party, people got to offer her engagement rings and she chose a gold one "I grew to be brave, I learned to help and protect." she puts her head on my shoulder "I need to go training after I finish eating. You can watch me." I drink the orange juice, I get up and walk, Aphmau follows me.

*Few minutes later*
"Alright Aaron, are you ready? I know you are good with guns, but you need to use swords too." I nod "I'm ready!" Balto takes his position, I take mine "I will be easy on you. I heard you put 2 guys down with the sword." I say "The 2 were Garroth and Laurance." I grab my sword, he runs towards me with a high speed, because he is a werewolf.

*After the battle*
I also defeated him "I'm down... Aph... I need help..." Aph helps him get up "I never knew you were that good. You... have the same talent as your father." I remember how he fought, he was the bravest man I knew "I bet you two are thirsty. I'll make you lemonade." Aph leaves "Where is Melissa?" I say "In a place with other girls to hang out." he says "You act more mature but you're the little brother?" I say "Yeah, so?" He asks "Shouldn't you be the big brother then?" I shrug "How is Maria doing?" Balto says "She will give birth in a few weeks. I can't wait to see our pups." I smile "What about you? You will also be a dad." I blush "Look, she was like an animal. She was crazily in love." he grins "Are you sure about that~?" I try to grab him, but he runs "Balto come back here!" he yells "Nope! Hahaha!" I chase him around with the sword in my hand "Aphmau help! He's going to kill me!" I use my speed to catch him.

Aphmau POV:
I make lemonade for the boys, when I bring it, I hear Balto yelling "What the heck is going on here??" Balto whines "He wants to kill me with the sword!" I stop Aaron "He made another stupid joke!" I sigh "Boys, stop acting like two children. Aaron, put the sword down." he does what I said "Enjoy the lemon drink I made." I put the glasses down.

Aaron POV:
I take a glass and drink it "Who is "he" that killed your parents?" I say "I have no idea, but I found a map with a big X on it. It might be where he leaves." I give the map to Aph "I know the place and I never liked it. We will go in two weeks." I finish my glass "Let's train a bit more." I get my sword ready "Heh, you are a strong rival." I smirk "Thank you, your highness." I do a bow "Come on boys, I wanna see a true fight!" we look at her, then at each other "Ready Aaron?" I nod "Three! Two! One! GO!"

*Later at night*
"Aaron, are you ok?" I say "I can't stop thinking about what mom and father said. Who is he? What is he?" Aphmau hugs me from behind "It'll be ok." the moon is shining, maybe it's full moon. I can hear wolf howls from here "Did you like the festival??" she says "Your villagers were very nice. Who was the lord?" I say "We didn't have a lord, it's a small village, so we can take care of ourselves." I lay on my bed "How are the two babies?" she checks her belly "They are great!" I say "You can't fight if you are pregnant. It might hurt you and the kids." she sighs "I know. I will ask Lucinda to help you." she cuddles me, I kiss her head "I need to protect the babies with all the cost, or it's bad."

*The next day*
"Good morning Balto..." he is drinking coffee "Didn't sleep well?" I say "Aph's belly grew faster than I thought." I let out a yawn "Monster babies born at 6 months, not 9 like human babies." my jaw drops "Why didn't you tell me??" he says "Sorry, I forgot. Being a king is killing me. So many problems to solve and documents to sign. If i'm here, I'm safe and I can enjoy some time. About my villagers, they can take care, they are prepared for anything. The village is close from here." I ask "Is Maria ok? Is she with you?" right when I ask the question, I see her with a big belly "Hi Maria. You look very nice." she smiles "You wanna say I have a big belly?" I shake my head "I'm joking you silly." I look away "Morning Maria! Looks like we are sisters with big bellies." I walk away "Aaron, where are you going?" I say "Away from here" Balto laughs, he comes after me "I'll move away if they will give birth on the same day." Balto pats my back "I will have double kids than you. How about we go eat??" he drags me to the restaurant "Hey Locks brothers, a table for two!!" Dante sees us "King Balto! Follow me!" he gets us a table "Gene will prepare specials for you two." he walks to the kitchen "So, how you'll name the kids??" I say "We didn't decide yet, but we have ideas." I look at the menu of drinks "Want one glass of beer??" I say "Only one glass."

The unknown village (Aarmau AU)Where stories live. Discover now