Chapter Five

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Aaron POV:
I don't know how, but I defeated them "How? This is your first time with the sword and you defeat us?" I shrug "It's easy for me with the gun." I help them up "I just remembered. Where is your other brother?" Garroth says "Vylad? I think he is somewhere around. Maybe he is at the gate." I say "I'll go see him. I want to talk with him." Garroth asks "Want to catch up later??" I say "Yeah" I go to the gate as fast as I can. When I get there, I don't see Vylad, suddenly, I get pinned down "Got you!" I groan "I will kill you if you don't get off of me!" the person asks "Aaron??" I try to turn my head "Vylad??" he hugs me "Hi old friend!!" I smile "Good to see you little one." I pat his head "I'm not little!!" he pouts "But you are young." he rolls on the grass "Are you the new villager?" I say "Me and Melissa" Vylad asks "How is she?" I look down "Vincent bit her." he looks at me sad "I'm sorry to hear." his eyes widen "Is that a mark on you? Who bit you?" he looks closer "Oh, it's just a normal bite." I say "The princess bit me. She's in love with me." he says "I know, we are friends with Aphmau. Trust me Aaron, she is a good person." I look at him "Have you two went on a date?" I say "We had a lunch together. I don't know how I feel about her." he says "Get to know her better, then you decide if you wanna be a vampire." he continues "Let me tell you about her." Vylad says that the princess loves cute things, babies, breadsticks, she doesn't like bandits, people hurting her or her friends, she likes werewolves, going to lake for swim, likes to be free and also likes to have fun. Vylad tells me a few events she went too, what good things she did and she once saved the village "That's pretty much it." I look at grass "You want to see her?" I stay quiet "Go see her, we can catch up later." I smile and leave "Don't do anything stupid!!" I laugh "I won't!" I look around for the princess. After 5 minutes, I find her at a lake, sitting on the grass "May I take a sit here?" she turns her head "Oh, of course!" I sit next to her "What brings you here Aaron?" I say "I was actually looking for you." she blushes a bit "Oh really? For what?" I say "Reasons" she giggles "You're funny" I just look at the lake. Sometimes I take a look at her, it is nice to sit with someone, where the atmosphere is calm, she looks pretty, I like her raven black hair, her tan skin, her caramel eyes "Wait am I falling for her?" she looks at me "Are you ok??" I say "I'm fine, I was thinking." she says "Vampires can read minds, but I don't do it much." she looks back at the lake and she gets a bit closer to me, making me blush. We talk for a few hours and we realise that the moon appeared on the sky "Princess, can I ask you...?" she says "Yes and you can call me Aphmau or Aph." I say "Vylad told me earlier a few things about you, I was impressed for what you did before. Helping kids without home and donating food, i've never seen that before. I only saw bad people or thieves." she blushes "You're from a small farm, am I right?" I nod. I look at her again "You won my trust..." she asks "Really??" a smile appears on her face "Yes" I slowly take off my red scarf, her eyes are turning red, I see a bit of excitement in them "Just do it..." she wraps her arms around me "I love you..." by my surprise, she kisses me, I slowly kiss back. Suddenly, I feel pain at my neck, she's biting me, my vision gets blurry "When you will wake up, a new power you will have." I fall into a deep sleep, darkness taking over me...

*the next day*
*in Aaron's mind*
Where am I? Why is it so dark? When I walk, I go nowhere "Hello? Is anyone here?" I hear nothing "You are in your mind." I look around "Who said that?" a white figure appears "Who are you? How did you get here?" the figure gets closer "I'm an angel, i'm here to help." the angel is a girl "Your body is slowly changing, you will be a full vampire..." I remember now "Try to keep control, don't get too angry, it'll make you lose control..." I say "I will be careful, plus I have my friends here." she says "What about your girlfriend?" I blush "She is not my girlfriend!!" she smiles "I wish you and your sister good luck in your new life." she slowly is disappearing... I feel like I disappear "I'm waking up."

*back to reality*
I slowly open my eyes, 5 faces looking at me: Aphmau, Melissa and Ro'Meave brothers "Are you ok little brother?" I say "I feel different" Aphmau asks "Do you feel thirsty?" I say "Yes" she gives me a little bottle with red liquid "This is blood from bandit. We collect blood from bad guys after they die." I take it and drink it, it tastes different, it's not salty or has a metal taste "Aaron, your eyes!" Garroth gives me a mirror. I am able to see myself, my eyes are red "So I am really a vampire..." Aphmau says "We can go under the sunlight and see ourselves in the mirror." Melissa hugs me "I was so worried! I found you and Aph at the lake, you were unconcious. I'm glad you didn't die..." I say "I'm not weak sis." I hug her back "I got an idea guys. Let's catch up!" we look at Vylad "I would love to." we follow him to his place, I notice Aph holding my hand, I hold it too and we smile at each other.

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