Chapter Eighteen

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Aaron POV:
I went too far with the beer, I had like 3 glasses instead of one and I'm lucky that I'm not drunk. Balto on the other hand got half drunk and now he is in his bedroom, resting "What were you 2 thinking??" I say "It was Balto's idea, not mine. I said one glass, but he went a bit too far." she asks "Have you ever drank beer before?" I say "I drink one bottle with Melissa once a month. She likes to have beer in house, it reminds her of the times when dad went crazy with beer." he would always celebrate when something good would happen "I miss those times." Aph hugs me "We will avenge them, I promise." I lay on the bed "I want to take a nap. You can join me..." in a second she falls asleep "Jeez, is that tiring to be a princess??" I yawn and close my eyes to take a nap.

*Two weeks later*
Aphmau POV:
We go to the kingdom of demons, the X marks the place. I hate that place, it is full of selfish people who care about nothing but money. They would laugh at poor people and beat them to death and their king is the worse. He is just a stupid man, I don't even know how he is a king. One day he wanted me to marry his son and I refused, of course he got angry, but I didn't care at all. I am sorry for his son, who is the same age as me. His mom died very young, without her and a crazy father, he is... depressed. I offered him to live in my village, but he couldn't move. I'm with Aaron, Balto, Garroth, Laurance and Melissa for this 'trip' "Are you sure it was a good idea? You are pregnant." I look at Aaron "We need to know who killed your parents. Pregnant or not, I have to come. I care too much and I'm not staying behind!!" Garroth pats my my back "Good thing we got carriage, it's pretty far away." I sigh loudly "This will be a loooong trip." I whine loudly.

*Few hours later*
We finally arrived to the kingdom... it makes me sick just looking at it "This is... um..." I say "No need to say a word Aaron..." I hear the loud footsteps of a pair of expensive male boots "Oh boy" I let out a sigh "Aphmau! My dear! So good to see you!" king D, the worst of them all. He may act nice, but he's not "Give me a hug dear~" I roll my eyes, I just let him hug me "Did you decide to marry my son?" I say "I came here for something more important." I take out the map "Your kingdom is marked for a crime that happened years ago. We need to talk about this." he says "Oh... follow me. Your friends can go around the place." I follow him to the castle "I am sorry that this situation made you travel all the way here." I roll my eyes "No you are not." we sit at the meeting room "Father, can I go to- Aphmau?" I say "Hi Devon. Me and your dad have some business to talk to and it is NOT about wedding. This kingdom is first suspect of the crime of Lycans, which happened years ago." he gasps "Derek and Rachel are dead? This can't be-" I say "It is true, I saw it myself. You can go, don't mind us at all, ok?" he nods.

Aaron POV:
I have a bad feeling about this, but we need to find out who killed my father and poisoned my mother "Um, why is everyone looking at us?" I say "Ignore them. Remember what Aphmau said." Laurance whispers "I think some are staring at Melissa. "I take a glance and Laurance is right "I'll be back" I go out to get some fresh air. After 5 minutes I see two demons flirting with my sister "Why don't you ditch these guys? We can show you a better world~" I walk until I get behind them "I would kick you both in the butt." they slowly turn around. I am taller than them "Is she your girlfriend?" I say "She's my sister and if you flirt again, you will both be headless." they run like chickens "Ha ha ha ha! Cowards!" Balto is laughing, I sit back next to Melissa "Thanks for protecting me." I say "You're my sister and we protect each other." Laurance says "Let's get out of here and wait for Aph outside." we walk out of the bar.

*An hour later*
Aphmau POV:
"I'll ask my spies if they saw anything related to the crime. I know we're the suspects of every single crime." I say "We'll stay for a night." he asks "Why don't you stay for dinner?? You had a long travel after all." I sigh "Alright..."

*time skip*
"Do you like the food?" no one says a word "They like it D." Devon looks like he hasn't sleep at all "So Balto, how is it to be a king?" Balto says "For me it's a lot of work, but as long as my village is safe, then everything is fine." D says "I heard you will be a father soon, you and someone else." I look at my belly "Aph, I wanted to trick you to... marry my son, but after I saw your belly... I guess I was too late." I glare "I'll soon marry with the love of my life and he is next to me." I hug Aaron's arm "He looks familiar, but I can't put a finger on it." I have a feeling he is guilty "The dessert is almost ready." I say "It if is a chocolate cake, we refuse." D says "No no, it is forest fruit cake. I know Balto can't eat chocolate." I finish my food "I told the maids to prepare the rooms. I hope you'll have a good night sleep." I look at them "If my theory is true, then I'll have to stop D. before it's too late."

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