With Craig

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Chapter 3
*Tweeks p.o.v*

After my shift, I went outside and saw that Craig was already waiting there for me. I smiled an  walked over to him. "Hey Tweekers." Craig said to me. I blushed a bit bit hid it pretty well. I motioned that we start going and we headed off. We walked to my house and we were pretty quiet. We finally made it to my house and headed in. I walked straight to my kitchen and he walked straight to the couch and turned on the TV. I heard the TV an  he was watching Terrance and Phillip. That show is ridiculous...I started making my coffee and put it into a coffee mug. When I got everything done, I walked to the couch and sat next to Craig. He didn't take his eyes off the screen, I don't understand why he likes the show so much. I took a HUGE drink of my coffee and Craig looked over at me, "Your slurping." "Oh, s-sorry..." I said. He looked right at me and I stared back. We started getting closer and he grabbed my face and his warm, pierced lips pushed against mine. I turned red, and kissed back. After a little we both pulled away, he back up, "W-What the hell was that!?!?" He yelled. "You made the first move!" I screeched back. He turned away, obviously embarrassed. "Craig, it's-" I started, but he cut me off. "No, I don't care...I'll see you tomorrow Tweek...I need to figure this out." He said running out of my house. "Craig wait!" I was to late...I'll see him tomorrow...

Well! THAT happened! I didn't PLAN that, but...it worked awesomely! Anyways, I'll see you in part 4~!!

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