Aaaaaaand back to school....

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Hey guys, I saw one of the comments, and YES in a fucking virgin!! Another reason for that i  because I'm only turning 13 in four months sooooo stfu! Let's go!!

*Tweeks p.o.v*

I woke up in Craig's bed and I was exhausted. I rolled over and looked at the clock. 7:30. Crap! We only have a half-hour to get dressed! I ran downstairs and woke Craig up. "Craig! We're gonna be late, c'mon!!" Craig opened his eyes and sat up. "Ugh...." I pulled him upstairs and he got changed. I threw on a shirt and some jeans while getting my sneakers. I ran downstairs and made myself some coffee while putting it in a cup I could bring to the bus, Craig came up behind me, and held my waist setting his head on my shoulder. I smiled a little. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and he let go. I grabbed my coffee and and my bag and we headed out. I drank some of my coffee when Craig ran past me. "Wha- C-Craig?" I saw him run up to Kenny at the bus stop. I walked up soon after and drank my coffee. They were talking the whole time and I just leaned against Craig. The bus finally came and I ran on. I sat in the very back, near the goth kids but luckily Craig came and sat next to me. "Hey, Tweekers." He smiled. "Why aren't you sitting with Kenny?" I asked. He shrugged, "He's sitting with Clare." I nodded and layed my head on his shoulder. The whole ride we were silent, listening to the other kids on the bus. We arrived at school and Craig and I walked out. We walked into school and he stopped me in a little crack where no one can see us. "I'll see you at lunch okay?" He said close to my face. I nodded and he kissed me softly before running off. I walked into school and said hi to some people before making it to class.

~After School~

I made it out to the bus and sat across from Clyde and Token. I started talking to them while I waited for Craig. Eventually Craig was the last one on and sat next to me. "Sorry I took so long guys." He said setting his bag on the floor. I shrugged and he smiled. We rode home and got off. Craig and I walked home in silence. We arrived at my house and walked in. I saw a note on the counter saying that my parent's will be home for dinner. I told Craig and he jumped onto the couch turning on the TV. I sat down and he pulled me into his lap, so we watched Red Racer until my parents came home. They got home at about 7:00, so we all sat down and ate some dinner. "So, Craig. How's school going?" My mother asked. Craig smiled, "It's going really well actually. Since I moved here, having all this nice encouragement has been helping me a lot." My mother smiled, "That's lovely." We spent the rest of dinner just talking about school. After dinner Craig and I got dressed and layed in bed. "Tweekers?" "Yeah Craig?" I asked. He held me tightly and whispered, "I love you..." I smiled and nuzzled into his chest. I started drifting off to sleep, before falling asleep I heard Craig's soothing voice, "Goodnight my sweet angel...."

Yep! I FINALLY updated!! And I realize now that I'm gonna get a lot of comments about like, YOU'RE 12!? Yep

TweekxCraig (South Park Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora