The fight

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Thank you both Zaekira, and rebekahsever for coming up with the idea of the fights! I love you guys! Thank you for caring about this story, they were the ONLY people who had ideas for this chapter!!

*Craig's p.o.v*

I woke up laying next to Tweek, who's hair was glistening from the light that shined through the shades that were broken in the window. I smiled down at him and moved slowly from under his touch. I stretched and heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door to see Sara standing in the doorway. Her hair was curled and bouncy. She was wearing a light blue tank top with a dark blue cardigan, with tight jeans and some black sandals with flowers. "Hey, Sara." I said walking out still in my boers and black tee. She smiled more, "Hey sleepy head, I wanted to wake you up with a present!" She said. I smiled, cute, a present. She got close to me and I could practically hear her breathing. She scooted in closer and her soft lips touched against mine. I was startled and tried backing away but I couldn't, I was against the hard, cold, brick wall. While I was trying to push her away  I heard a door unlock near us. She finally backed up and I saw Tweek standing in the doorway, with tears in his eyes. He ran into the room locking it. I banged on the door yelling, "NO, I SWEAR IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE!!!!!!!!!! SHE KISSED ME I PROMISE!!!!!!!!" Sara was giving me a strange look, "What? Is your friend over protective??" "No!!!" I yelled, "My BOYFRIEND over reacts!!!!!!! I'm Craig Tucker, that's Tweek Tweak, everything we told you is a lie!!" She stood in shock, "YOU'RE A WANTED CRIMINAL!!!!!!" She yelled running into her room. "I'M CALLING THE COPS!!!!!!" I  her scream. Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!! What am I gonna do!? I banged on the door to our room, "TWEEK SHE'S CALLING THE COPS WE HA-" The door opened, and I saw Tweek with his bag. "Tweek, we need to go no-" "No" He cut me off. "I'm going to my home, you're not messing with me EVER again." I stood in shook, "Tweek, what do you-?" "Stop!!!" He yelled. "I've given you to many chances!!!! You had sex with Kenny, gone behind my back with him, THEN you git me kicked out of MY OWN HOME!!!!! For something YOU did!!!!!!! Then I see you, making  out with another person!!!!!!!!! I've given you to many tries Tucker!!!!!!!!! I'm done!!!!!! Do whatever the Hell you want, I'm DONE! WE'RE done!!!!!!!" He yelled storming away and calling a taxi. I was shocked. I didn't know he felt that way......I'm such an IDIOT! I ran into the room and slammed all of my crap into the bag. I ran into the woods where I knew Tweek's house was. I ran and ran the WHOLE way. I finally started seeing South Park, yes!! I started running up hills slipping here and there, while thorn bushes clawed at my legs. I kept running until I was in town. I ran to Tweek's home and saw a taxi in the drive way. I hid while I saw Tweek get out and head inside. I ran over to the window an  looked through seeing him and his family. They looked happier than ever to see him....without me....I sighed and went over to the door. I knocked and the door opened with....Tweek's father in the door way. I smirked and his face dropped. "Hellooooo Mr.Tweak~" He grunted and punched me down the steps. I fell onto the hard cold concrete. I smirked and stood up. "Just hand over Tweek, and we'll be okay...." I looked back and saw Mrs.Tweak dialing 911. I stared at her and I didn't know what to do. "Now son, just stay where you are while we get the sherrif here." Mr.Tweak said. I stood still. What do I do......What DID I do? I never knew, that it would come this....I realized, I can make the most of this. I smirked, and punched Mr.Tweak square in the nose. He fell back onto porch. "YOU LITTLE!!!!" He yelled before jumping at me. We startled fighting in the grass, throwing punches, slapping, throwing, and chocking. I heard Mrs.Tweak screaming into th  phone for help. I punched Mr.Tweak and he passed out. In within 20 minutes the cops came. I was in a cop car before I knew it. I stared out the website and saw Tweek looking back at me. He looked emotionless. I felt tears sting my eyes and stared at the floor. I can't believe it there like this......

Omg!!!!! You guys got me up to 8,000 reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much BUT, I still have a problem.....I need YOUR guys help!!! I don't know where to go with the story!!! It's on its last life! I don't know where to go with this story!! So! Comment since ideas, message me some ideas, ANYTHING! Bye!

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