Why does the weekend have to end

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Omg, guys....416 READS!!!!!!!!! Thank you SO much, I love you all!!!~~~

*Tweeks p.o.v*

I woke up before Craig a nudged him a little, "Craig, we're gonna be late, c'mon..." Craig slightly got up. "I don't wanna...." He said, looking at me with tired eyes. I brushed my lips against his, "C'mon, we're gonna be late Craig" He looked at me and smiled a bit, "Fine, but ONLY because I got a kiss out of it..." We both got up and got dressed, then headed downstairs. "Good Morning you two" My mother said with a smile. I smiled back at her grabbed a granola bar for Craig and I and ran to the bus stop. Craig ran after me and we made it there i. time. I handed h

him his granola bar and we both ate them before the bus came. When the bus DID pull up we both walked in and sat across from Clyde and Token. "Hey guys." Clyde said.. " So uhhh, you and Token all right from the party?" Craig asked them. They nodded at the same time. The bus finaly got to the next stop and Kenny walked on first. Kenny McCormick. He had this messy blond hair like mine, but shorter. He had his orange winter coat on and the hood was up. i looked at Craig's gaze, he was staring at him. I knew them two didn't get along, but here came his girlfriend. Clare Roberts. A nice girl, with longish black hair. She was wearing her black jeans, and a shirt with cuts so you could see a red under shirt. Sh  was also wearing jer long black gloves. "Tweeky!!" She yelled and ran down the bus isle. Someone purposely stuck their foot and she fell flat on her face.  I got up and helped her to the seat Craig and I were in. Clare is my best friend besides Craig, she's so great. Clare and I talked the whole bus ride.


*Craig's p.o.v*

I waited till the next stop. When we finally got there, I was happy to see her. Roxy Rucker. Nice girl, long brown hair with pink/red tips. Today she was wearing a dark red jacket, and a black shirt under it. She walked onto  the bus and smiled at me. I forced a smile back. I saw her and moved to and empty seat so Tweek could talk to Clare, and I could talk to Roxy. She sat next to me, "Sup Tucker?" She said as she put her book bag on the floor. "Nothing much, you?" I asked back. She shrugged and we talked the rest of the way to school. When the bus arrived at school, everyone got up and off the bus. I said bye to Roxy an  gave her a hug and saw her run over to Clyde, and they both walked in. Did I mention their dating? Yep...Anyways. I saw Clare hugging Tweek tightly and then walking into school with Kenny. Tweek walked over to me and I smiled, "Ready to go in Tweekers?" He nodded and we walked into the school. "Tweek come here." I said to him and I lead him downstairs aka the basement. "C-Craig, w-where are we?????" Tweek asked clutching on to my arm. I stopped when we got to one of the rooms. "Tweek, we're somewhere where no one can hear you scream~" I said trying to be sexual. Tweek stared at me wide eyed, "C-Craig, w-what are you infering w-we should...." I nodded smirking. Tweek stared at me, "C-Craig, I-I don't know..." I pushed him against a wall, "Shhhhhhh....don't worry I'm in control....~" I said unbuttoning his shirt. He didn't squirm away, or scream he sat there and accepted in. I was suprised. When his shirt was fully unbuttoned I took his shirt and threw it to the ground. "C-Craig!" Tweek yelled and I looked at him. ".....G-Go easy on me....." Tweek said to me and I smirked. "I'll try" I said to him. I started kissing his neck then trailed down to his chest. I would have gone further until I heard a door open behind us. "I told you they'd be here." I heard someone say behind us. I recognized the voice and spun around. "H-Hey Roxy heh" I said trying to sound cool.


*Clares p.o.v*

I stood behind Roxy staring at half naked Tweek and Craig standing in front of him. "Clare, get Tweek so he looks okay for class I'll deal with Tucker." Roxy said to me. I nodded and motioned for Tweek to come with me, he nodded and grabbed his shirt. We walked down the hallway and into a room with a sink. I took a tissue from my bag and washed it with water. I washed Tweeks chest so you couldn't see Craigs trail on saliva anymore. "S-So....now you g-guys know...." Tweek said to me, I looked up at him. "Tweek, you're my best friend, I accept your sexuality!" He smiled and hugged me. I was suprised at first but hugged back tightly. I smiled and let go of him. "Wanna go check on them?" I asked and we walked back to Craig and Roxy. Tweek was buttoning his shirt up and we made it back to the room. Everyone was together and I smiled, "I haven't seenall four of us in the same room in forever...." Craig looked up at me, "Yeah...." Tweek held his arms out, "Group hug before we have to get to class???" I instantly hugged back and so did Roxy and Craig. We all let go and ran off to our seperate classes. I was happy today nothing could change it! (Just wait till after school~~)


*Tweeks p.o.v*

Craig and I lightly kissed and ran off to class. I made it to Science and sat down at my seat, thinking about what had happened....

*After School~~~~!!*

I ran to the bus and sat down near the back. I was waiting for Craig but Kenny came on first. Kenny sat next to me not saying anything. "K-Kenny, c-can I m-move???" I asked him but he just pushed me against the window. "N-Nevermind heh...." I said, my face being squashed. I couldn't deal with it anymore, "Kenny MOVE!!!!!" I screamed at him. He swung at me and his went right at my mouth. I crumbled to the floor......But, things got worse when I heard Craig, "KENNY!!!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Yay!!!!!! Anyways, yeah!!!! Oh yeah, Clare and Roxy. Roxy is crazymazy1116, and I'm Clare :{D So yeah!!!! If you have one of your charaacter you would want me to use, ALSO giving you s shoutout WITH that!! Just either leave it in the comments OR send me a message! Make sure when your putting it up, you have all this

Gender, Hair, Skin Color, Friends, Enemies, Interest, Personality, and Name!! Thanks!!

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