You want a what?!

832 28 21

Heya sexy

*Craigs p.o.v*

"You want a what!?" I exclaimed. "A baby!! it would be the start of our knew lives!!!" Tweek yelled back. "I hate children! You know that!"

"Maybe this will teach you onto how to raise children for later."

I sighed, "Tweek. I know we're getting married soon, but. No kids yet, please."

He nodded and slumped to our room. I sighed and sat on the couch, and watched some Sherlock.

*Next day~*

I was sitting at the counter making sure we payed for everything, when Tweek came halfway through the door. "Um...Craig...we kinda have a kid."

I stood up, "WHA- Wait. Kinda?"

He stepped fully in with a puppy in his arm. "This is sorta a baby right?" My face brightened up, "Only baby we'll have for a while, so yes!!" I grabbed him and held the dog close. It was an english golden retriever. "How old is he?" I looked up asking."Nine weeks." I held the dog close.

"He got a name?" I asked setting him down so he could roam his new area.

Tweek smiled, "Yes SHE does." Oopsie "Her name's (Leave some names down in the comments and I'll choose from that for now let's call her d/n (dog name) " I smiled "Well she's gorgeous" I kissed his cheek softly. "Wanna get her some dog things?" He asked. I nodded, picking her up. I took the dog leash Stan had for his dog and our her on it. I picked her up into my arms (the leash was for the store). We drive to the closest pet shop and got a leash, a bowl, puppy chow, and a collar.

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