Why does school have to be....school?

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HOLY.FUCKING.SHIT.GUYS. You amazing, beautiful, fantastic, sexy people have gotten my book OVER 2,000 READS!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my fucking Jesus!! I love you all so fucking much!! Thank you!!


*Craig's p.o.v*

I woke up early and saw Tweek was asleep. I got up and went downstairs to make us breakfast. I made eggs, bacon, and a couple waffles. I placed them neatly on the table and went back upstairs. Tweek was sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Heeey sexy~" I said leaning against the door. Tweek faced me blushing a bit. I smirked and sat down. "H-Hey Craig..." He said smiling. I picked him up, "C'mon, I made us breakfast." He nodded and we headed downstairs. We sat down and ate nearly all the food. I got up and put the dishes in the sink when Tweek came up and gutted me from behind. I smiled down at him and turned around. "Hey....you Okay?" He nodded. I looked at the time and told him that we needed to leave and he sighed. E walked to the bus stop and then I saw...Kenny. I smiled brightly and ran up to him, leaving Tweek behind. I ran up and hugged Kenny. "Hey, Tucky!!" Kenny yelled hugging me back. He let me down and I saw that Tweek was behind me....standing there. Oh....awkward. "Oh, uh Tweek...I'm, yeah. Kenny and I are friends now heh." Tweek stood there, and said nothing. We all stood like that until the bus came. I got on with Kenny and sat next to him. I looked up to see Tweek staring down at me, "Craig, I-I thought we w-were gonna sit t-together...?" I felt bad, "Oh, umm.....I'm kinda gonna...you know, sit with Kenny today heh" He nodded slowly and sat down near a window in the back near the weird goth kids. We got off of the bus, and i went inside with Kenny. He pulled me to- the basement? What? He pulled me into one of the rooms, and pinned me against the wall. "K-Kenny, what are you-?" He cut me off. He pressed his lips onto mine. I tried to fight him. I pushed him back, "K-Kenny....th-this is wrong....w-what about T-Tweek a-and C-Clare" Kenny shushed me, "They don't need to know, this is a one time thing............" He pushed against me again. Oh no....


*Tweeks p.o.v*

I spent the whole day alone, because Craig was somewhere all day. I got back to the bus and saw that Kenny and Craig were sitting, awfully close to each other. "Uhhhhhh, hey, guys?" Craig looked up at me, with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. "C-Craig?" I asked. He stood up and pulled me to th  very back seat. I squeaked as he pulled me down. He held me closely and I looked up confused. "Craig? What's wrong Tucky?" I asked my voice low. He looked straight at me, "K-Kenny....he....he d-did things...." I could see tears forming in his eyes. "W-Was it willingly!?" He shook his head no, and I held him closely. "O-Oh Craig...." I said playing with his hat a bit. We stayed like that the whole ride until our bus stop arrived. I got up and so did Craig. Craig and I got home, and my parent's were waiting. "Hi guys! How was school?" My mother said with a smile. I looked straight at her, "Not now mom...." I took Craig upstairs and we layed down. I held him in my arms and he looked at me, "T-Tweek?" I nodded. ".....I was willing to let Kenny have sex with me......"

DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Yay!!! I'm back! I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in....what, forever? Oh Yeah!! In the next chapter, I'm going to be adding a couple other characters in it so, YEAH! Remember to leave comments, or even message me!!! I love talking to you people!!! PLEASE I would LOVE to talk to you guys!! So, I'll see you later! Bye!!

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