Chapter 4 - Hedwig

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Harry woke to the door of the 3rd Year's Dormatory opening, and he blinked, leaning over and picking his glasses up, putting them on to look at the intruder.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Ron's voice said softly as he walked over to Harry, a small stack of papers in his arms, around 8 or 10 papers, most likely.

Harry yawned, looking around and noticing Hedwig was gone. "Better.. I'm not so tired anymore.. Did you just get back from dinner?"

Ron nodded. "Fred and George shrunk a bunch of food for you, so they're bringing it up now, and they'll enlarge it."

Harry cringed. He didn't want to turn into a canary because of one of their practical jokes.

"Oh don't worry,  I chose the food out and watched as they shrunk it. They haven't tampered with it."

Harry nods hesitantly right as Fred and George come in.

"Hiya Harry!" One twin said cheerfully. "How's our favourite seeker doing?" The other said just as cheerfully, and Harry gave a weak smile in return.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell them anything. I just said you weren't feeling well, and you didn't want to go to Madam Pomfrey this early in the year." Ron muttered to him, and Harry gave him a greatful smile.

"We got you some food and stuff - figured you'd be hungry."

Harry nodded a bit. "I am a little.." They beamed in response and began enlarging the food, spreading it out across Harry's bed.

For the next hour, they ate, talked, laughed, Harry did his homework and studied his notes while Fred and George messed with Ron, and a even few people from the other rooms came in and joined them. Eventually, Harry started to feel sleepy just as Hedwig swooped in, sitting in his lap, and he gave her some food and stroked her feathers, watching her fondly.

The talk died down a little as Fred and George watched the scene.

Harry's eyes began to droop as Hedwig began to coo quietly, almost like a Phoenix singing its song.

"Hey, Harry?" Harry looked up at Ron in drowsy question.

"How long has Hedwig been doing that?"

"Huh?" Harry looked to Hedwig, who nudged his finger gently, like a cat would if you stopped petting it. "Doing what?"

"Singing to you, almost.. It's almost like she's using some sort of magic to help you sleep.."

Harry shrugged a bit. "I don't know.. This morning..? Maybe last night..? Why?"

Ron shrugged a little. "I don't know... It's just.. A little weird. I've never seen an owl do that before."

Harry hummed softly in response, and Hedwig started cooing again, lulling Harry slowly into a deep and peaceful sleep.

The next morning, Harry felt a lot better.

He woke up, and took a shower before heading down to the Great Hall to join the others for breakfast.

He was a little late, but not by much.

Ron looked up and beamed when he saw Harry walking towards them, looking completely refreshed.

Harry sat down as Ron scooted over to give him room, grabbing some toast.

"Harry, you're here!" Hermione said with a smile. "Are you doing okay? Ron said you weren't feeling well yesterday."

Harry nodded with a little smile. "I'm better."

A few minutes later, a swarm of owls came in through the windows, dropping off mail and packages and the Daily Prophet.

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