Chapter 4: It's...different

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So, I grabbed Bailey and pulled her with me into the next room. Cus if I left her I would seem like a huge dick bag and she would leave me all me alone here. Anyway, as we walked into the next room, I looked at the floor and said:"What the fuck is this shit? God damn holes used to kill the slaves from the holocaust...or maybe it's a huge gas chamber Hitler threw his Jewish slaves into before gassing them and putting them in the fucking ovens to be cooked. Either way it's fucking creepy as shit...was Hitler black? I dont remember" Bailey just looked at me in confusion and said:" What does Hitler have to do with falling in a god damn hole?" I replied with:" Well I know Kobe would love this room. He is into racist Hitler jokes and black jokes. Then again, I'm starting to think toriel is actually a black male...wait what am I talking about? I'm not too sure. Maybe Kobe put weed in my my FUCKING OATMEAL I ATE FOR FUCKING BREAKFAST INSTEAD OF THAT SHITTY EGGS AND BACON GARBAGE EVERYONE LIKES."I yelled to myself as I jumped over the the huge holes in the ground and I said:" Holy fuck flippedy flop, that was easy as piss" Bailey just looked at me and said:" What does easy as piss even mean?" She asked with a chuckle. I said:" I have no god damn clue. I just say it alot."I then got a call from Toriel. She said:" I'm calling you when you aren't even in the next room, because you take to fucking long. Like what the fuck, speed up children. Jesus Christ I'm going to have a heart attack from waiting so long. Anyway, do you like butterscotch or cinnamon?" I responded with:" I like Cinnamon, what about you Bailey?"I asked her and she said:" Butterscotch. I like Butterscotch better than cinnamon." She said. I then told Toriel:" We like Butterscotch." Toriel then said, sounding shocked:" What the fuck are you kids on? Jesus Christ don't you know that good shit when you see it? Damn. Whatever, thanks for your choice" She then hung up. I laughed my ass off and said:" What the actual Shit! Why is Toriel so funny?! Hahaha what the Christ!"I say as Bailey just giggles at me. She says:" This a weird route I guess. Huh, strange." I reply:" I'm going to call this the....Weird ass shit that makes no sense route!"I say and Bailey just giggles again and says:" Good name. Kinda long but who gives a flying flip" I smile and walk to the next room and then Toriel calls me again and says:" I would fucking hope you don't dislike my meth-Cinnamon good shit. Umm...whatever! You don't dislike cinnamon do You?!!!" I blink and respond with:" Umm no? I love cinnamon, but I don't snort it or whatever the fuck you do with your cinnamon. As a matter of fact, I don't think I wanna know. Have a good day Toriel"I say before hanging up. It sounded like Toriel mumbled:" Oh what the shit, I don't snort cinnamon. I snort snails, get it right idiots." Or some messed up shit like that. Bailey then looms at me and says:" Holy moly what the hell was that? She is mad because we didn't choose cinnamon? What the hell, cinnamon is good but we don't snort it or whatever she does."I chuckle and walk forward until I realise something...this is different... and it may be funny...but it could turn out bad...who really knows...

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