Chapter 19: Unending nightmare...

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We approached the MTT resort, that's what it looked it anyway. We walked threw the two front doors, eventually wandering into the main area, which had a fountain in the middle if the room, And coming out of if was..  the dark substance we saw before... whatever it was, it seemed fucking dangerous as hell, so we ignored it and went into the diner area, which we saw sans, and I had assumed we were to have dinner with him. So we walked over and sat down across from him: heya kiddos, how's those bones shakin? hehehe... okay let's be honest here, as you've noticed, none of this is the same. look at all the black shit around us, it's ridiculous. well, i have some advice for you three... D o n t  g o  b a c k  t o  w a t e r f a l l... y o u l l  r e g r e t  i t." His pupils had dissaoesred as he said this, which i found very creepy, I had then turned to Bailey, who looked somewhat focused and also terrified of what had just happened earlier, which i won't lie, was fucking disturbing. Like, holy fuck:"*inhale* Sans... what the fucking fuckedy fucking fucky fuckedy fuck! Is happening to this fucking shitty ass fucking place of shit!?" I had yelled, clearly sounding upset, but I had calmed down, after Kobe and Bailey had tried to calm me down by going me all the things that were okay at the moment, sans just looked at me and sighed:" listen bucko, i wanna find out what's happening too... and going back to waterfall would most certainly be  a  b a d  c h o i c e. so listen to me and don't go back there, i'll keep you updated with what sci and i find. seeya." He dissaoesred and we were just sitting there, blinking. I sighed and looked at Bailey and Kobe:" Well... We have something bad next most likely... hope your ready..." I said, patting their shoulders and bringing them with me to the CORE thing. We had entered and the whole place was decrepit, black substance everywhere and red lights were blaring like crazy, so we immediately ran for the elevator, which for some reason actually worked and we rode up to the room with usually Mettaton. We saved first, the save point had said:" The growing substance of H $#&* is very rapid, as it seems your all scared, but knowing you'll get through this, it feels you with D E T E- R M I N A T I O N." I sighed at this and as I saved it, the star thing turned completely black, it seemed as if this place was all falling apart... We then walked into the next room and saw... Mettaton, but hung upside down with his eyes gouged out and blood actually coming out, along with actual intestines hanging out of him and blood everywhere. I almost threw up at this sight but I kept it together as we walked inside more and heard creaking, as the wires hanging around sparked and water dropped onto the ground form many directions.. this was disgusting... We walked past what I thought was Mettaton, but as we approached the door, "Mettaton" in hung itself and stood behind us, very tall and gross. He looked down at us and shoved actual human eye balls in his sockets and he had grown like 6 black arms and "his" eye balls were bloody, and he also had like 4 eyes, the other two were on either side of his head, connected by some red veiny stick thing that was connected to the brain. I didn't even wanna look, until it said:" HƏÝ ĐÆ$ŁĮÑЧ, HŒW BE ÝŒŰ ON THIS F#$ÑƏ DÆÝ?" My eyes were widened to hell as I heard this... what had happened to Mettaton... I then noticed the name on the suit it was wearing... We weren't dealing with Mettaton anymore... We were fighting a machine beast named MƏŤ$ÆŤÓÑ...

"Undertale" Made Reality Book 1: The Awakened Void [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now