Chapter 5: The newcomer

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We continued walking down the room, and we saw a few other signs, besides the obvious sign that said:" GO FUCK YOURSELF! YOU DON'T LIKE CINNAMON!" I didn't pay too much attention to the sign, because I have better things to do. Like, wander and do pointless shit, because that's better than reading a sign that's telling you to fuck yourself. At least they weren't making fun of me for eating Oatmeal for breakfast, because that stuff, should legit be called SHITmeal, because it's so bad sometimes. I then thought:" Kobe is probably pissed he didn't get to co-wait... this mountain is next to his house... Oh Lord help me" Then I heard a loud bang. And this is what happened. Kobe apparently bolted from his house, ran up the hill, and did a fucking swan dive, Yes, a swan dive, DOWN THE FUCKING HOLE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, TRYING TO CATCH UP TO ME. He landed on his feet somehow afterwards, Don't question how he's weird as balls. Then, he bolted down the ruins and I heard him yelling right behind me:" YOU FUCKTARDLY FUCKFACE! YOU FORGOT ME FOR CHRIST'S PISS SAKE!"I laughed before he swan dove into my face and I flew into the wall. Like, how the actual fuck does he swan dive like that? Like, what the fuck. Anyway, as this all happened, Bailey just watched, giggling at the bullshitty assinization that was happening. I looked up and said:" Kobe what the fucking fuck you god fruit" I said as he stood up and said:" You forgot me, asshat. Remember to take me next time or I'll do it again, because I'm a fruit who kills mexi-Im a guy who sends shitty memes to you for no reason. Ehehehe... Anyway, get up asshole, you need to lead the way there ya know" I chuckled a bit and said:" Okay Okay, Jesus piss on my parade, I will" I said as I grabbed Bailey and walked, leading the way, as Kobe calls it. We eventually arrived at the button puzzle, and of course, Kobe had something to say about this puzzle, he said:" Hmm... I think we need to press buttons, if that wasn't entirely obvious already. I don't fucking remember which ones though, so be careful and make sure you don't fall into the huge ass gas chamber or whatever the fuck you called it." He said sarcastically. I chuckled at his tone and said:" Okay, well Bailey and I will do the puzzle if your not willing to try." He just stared at me with a face of:" Bitch what the fuck did you just fucking say to me?" I then... did the puzzle after luckily not falling in the big ass room at the bottom, Like 420 times. I was sweating and was surely relieved that I didn't fall in like an assholic clutz. Of course, Kobe stood watching and laughing his ass of because he did have anything better to do at all. Which I was fine with, because he's like that all the time. We pressed onwards towards this... dead ass looking black tree sitting in the middle of a fucking ugly ass random leaf pile. I assumed Toriel put it there and she has no taste in good design choices, but I didn't think too much on it. We then saw Toriel walk out of her house and uhh... "greet" us in her own way. She was Like:" Ahh, greetings my children-..... since when the fuck was there a third child here? Like what the hell is going on?.... am I high on snails again?" She than left for the house and I walked over to a sparkly yellow save point. When I put my hand over it, it said:" Listening to the high goats bullshit, fills you with DETERMINATION" Next we were gonna go inside... I assumed..

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