Chapter 25: Dawn of a new...

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We had watched as Kobe and Geno had stood across from each other, clearly getting ready too fight, which will be bad, seeing as Geno is pretty damn strong to he completely honest.

"Man... I'm shook up about this guys... You think he'll win this? " I had asked nervously and sighing at this thought of him losing.
"Well I'm sure he'll do just fine Triton.  Don't worry, it'll work out in the end. "
Sci told me, which had made me feel a bit more confident with the situation, but never the less, I was still kinda nervous about it.

So we just stood up high in the floating Castle, watching as this fight were too unfold any minute. We weren't too sure what they were talking down there, becauss obviously, we can't hear them cus if how high up we are.

"Welp... I'm ready Geno.. How about you? " Kobe asked him, clearly knowing there was no turning back now.
"Hehe, yeah kid. I'm ready... Let's just get this shit fucking over with... " He told Kobe, not sounding happy with this situation they were both in, but they both must've realized it was about fighting for your own universe at this point so there was no point in arguing against fighting anymore.

Then, in an instant we heard and saw a loud white bang... Kobe and Geno had struck each other at the same time and they both jumped back, bitb just getting started.
"Heh...  Not bad Geno. Let's kick it up a notch, shall we? "Kobe said too him before snapping his fingers as sharp purple spikes made of pure human magic shot out of the ground towards Geno.

"Oh shit!!! "Geno yelled too himself as he jumped and teleported backwards, just barely dodging them.
"You almost got me kiddo.. Jesus yout stronger than ya look.. Alright than, lets make this more interesting.. G e t - R e a d y. . . " Geno said as he summoned a few blasters and fired them at Kobe, at extreme speed they shot out light towards him.

"Oh fuck this attack I've always hated it! " Kobe said as he merely dodged them with milliseconds too spare, he had just moved his body too the left and the right too dodge them. It was pretty remarkable.

"Alright buddy, how about this then.. "Kobe said just as he began too summon these large purple hands that floated above him, and when he snapped his fingers, one hand shot out a purple string which grabbed a hold of Geno and wrapped around him, while the other hand shot a lightspeed purple laser at him, which it then got too Geno and it looked as if the laser had ingulfed him...  But a closer look and we saw that he had just barely teleported out of the way of the blast, and was now panting, seeming tired at the moment before he quickly regained his energy and stood up straight.

"Well now kiddo... You almost killed me there... Jesus christ.. "He said as he sighed and his eye flamed with glowy magic and he then grabbed Kobe with telekinesis and thrashed him against the ground and buildings multiple times, which looked like it hurt like all hell. His hand then stopped glowing as all the dusty smoke around the proximity they were in faded away, only too show that Kobe had survived because of a magic bubble shield that had surrounded him, blocking all the damage. The shielf however, looked rather cracked and white damaged, which Kobe saw this and desummoned it and smirked at Geno.

"It'll take way more than that too kill me Geno. But it did hurt me the first hit too be honest with you.. "Kobe said as he brushed off his shoulders and pants before looking back at him"I have one other trick as well.. "Kobe told him before what looked like Kobe powering up just started occurring. It was a rather fantastical sight actually.

We were still standing above them, watching them fight when suddenly Ellana came over too watch andbaldo perhaps question what the hell was happening around here at the moment.
"Yoooo!  What the actual fuck is happening right now?  It looks fucking crazy and sounds awesome at the same time like what the actual fucking shit? " She said, sounding quite excited and somewhat questioning about this whole ordeal. Though I can't blame her, its pretty fucking crazy too be completely honest.

"Oh hey Ellana, you coming too watch the fight also? Its pretty crazy and rambunctious. "I said, smiling and than sighing a bit as I turned and continued watching the fight, which was crazy at the moment.

Kobe had just powered up and his body was glowing purple along with his hair"Now Geno, if you want a real challenge, than here ya go. No holding back now, ya hear? "Kobe had said too Geno, sounding knnda confident but also probably knowing what Geno was capable of.
"Alright kiddo, no holding back then. I'll go full out on you then, in turn you gotta do the same" Geno replied, smirking as his body began to also glow but his glowed blue. Light blue too be exact, and now this fight wad about too get even more intense.

"Oh damn Geno, that's some intesnse power buddy.. Jesus hell that's insane.. Oh well, I can't give up now, I'm good far too just 'go back'.  I'm finishing this on way or the other."
Kobe then said too himself as he got into a ready stance as Geno quickly in the flash of a second teleported too Kobe and kicked him straight through the ground and it created a large crater and a loud bang sound before Kobe managed too pull himself out of the huge ass crater and he sighed, dusting off his shoulders and cracking his hands.

"Good lord Geno.. Your strong as fuck it seems.. Wow I knew you were strong but not this strong.. I better try a little harder than that eh? "He said as he winked and immediately was in Geno's face due too teleportation and he punched Geno so hard he flew into the cave walls of Waterfall, which created a huge cloud of dusty smoke and Geno then emerged from the wall, breathing rather heavily. I assumed he was getting tired or something.

"Kiddo.. I've got one more trick.. "Geno told him as he then summoned an 'Omega Blaster', which is 10 times the size of a regular blaster. He had summoned about five of them before combining them all together, forming a blaster that was like 50 times the size of a regular blaster. He them powered up the blaster as a laser began to do in its mouth as Kobe then revealed his final trick, which was a humongous hand that also started forming a laser beam.
"We both have the same idea I guess," Kobe said, as the laser fires at each other at the same time, creating an extremely loud bang and a flash of light that was very very bright.

As the light than faded away and the dust also faded away, we were going too look and see what had happened before someone touched my shoulder, and as I had turned around too see who it was, I immedetiately recognized them...  It was Frisk.  But how did she get here?  Questions for later I guess.
"O-Oh frisk!  Your here? "I asked, kinda curious as too her random appearence.

"Oh yeah.. I've been here since you arrived. I've just been uhh... watching for the most part," She said too me as I smiled and then looked down there again too see who had one.. There were two craters and a hand coming out of each one.. Then... Suddenly HIS hand moved and we immediately blinked and thought for a minute about this result too the fight...
The winner was...

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