Chapter 14: Puzzling Shit

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We had just left that stupid ass prank or whatever the fuck it was with monster bitch, we all had confused looks on our faces as we left, clearly not wanting to think about t ever again. Then we saw him, and bailey ran up to him and just slapped him, then hugged him. I squinted and watched, Bailey I think said:" Don't ever do that again, or the slap will be harder. Now run away for fudge sake" Monster kid, nicknamed monster bitch by me, cus why not. As he ran away, Bailey walked back over and sighed:" Like, seriously? That whole thing Undyne and him did, was just stupid*whispers* Fucking stupid." Kobe and I laughed at this:" First F Bomb, wow. That's a first, and it may or not be the last." I said while while Kobe laughed a bit more:" Wow, you should drop those more" She had a poker face and pouted as we walked back to temmie village to see Temmie. We walked into the Tem Shop and she said:" WoAh! hEwWo hUmAnS! wHaT bRiNgS  yOu  hErE?... Have you come to buy and sell, some stuff to me?" I started to sweat and I walked closer:" Y-Yes! We have Temmie." She nodded and looked at me:" So, what have you brought me, human? Something interesting, I assume? or not." I laughed at a thought and held out a stick, she looked at me and giggled:" Your lucky I love sticks, human. Here, I'll give you 200G for this stick, how about it?" I smiled and agreed as she gave me my money:" tHaNkS  hUmAn! bYe ByE!" She said as I walked out of the shop, then I saw Kobe and Bailey looking at the temmies. As I walked over, they got up and came I've to me and Kobe said:" Lets leave this fucked up place already, these Temmies are acting weird. They all have a serious look on then, and they just kept staring at us, saying:" Hey, humans. Give us your shit, immediately" Which was pretty weird, and definently not normal, seeing as temmies don't act like this normally. They are usually very excited and cheery, but now they are just weirding me out" Bailey nodded in a agreement and I looked around the cave, the temmies looked back, looking quite pissed off. It was rather scary so I decided to leave, the only Temmie that didn't look pissed off, wad Bob. He had the expression of:" I don't give a fuck about shit or something" He waved at us as we left for the next cavern, which incidentally, we found Undyne in again. She said something like:" Humans, our King... King Asgore Dreemurr, needs human souls, and with one more, he can become a god and destroy the barrier, or whatever the fucking see through shield piece if shit is called." I blink:" I wonder if she's friends with Mr. Krabs, who knows." I say before Bailey looks at me and says:" What's this Mr. Krabs logic? Like, fuuuudge" I chuckled  before Undyne suddenly came charging at us, yelling:" NGAAAHHHH MOTHER FUCKER!" Then monster bitch came out of nowhere and somehow saved the day with his powers of not being able to get killed dnt the antagonist or protagonist or any character for that fact. Undyne suddenly stopped, grabbed monster bitch, and then threw herself and monster bitch down the cavern. I guess they were feeling pretty "down", for not being funny enough for the last prank they pulled on us, so I mean, yeah. The next thing we had to do... was fight Undyne next...

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