Chapter 7: The Skeletons

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We walked onwards down the snow path, it felt as if it was getting colder every step. When, suddenly a twig we had just stepped on, cracked. It was too big and long to be broken by being stepped on, so who could've done it? Well, I know who. His name is... well... you'll find out soon enough. We kept on walking until we stopped when we heard his footsteps behind us. He came up and said:" H u m a n. D o n t y o u  k n o w, h o w  to  g r e e t  a  n e- w  p a l? T u r n  a r o u n d, a n d  s h a k e  m y  f u c k i n g  h a n d." We then turned quickly and shook his hand, when suddenly we heard a fart noise come from his hand. I chuckled and he said:" hehehehe. the old whoopy cushion in the hand trick. it's always funny. anyway, i'm sans. sans the skeleton. I'm actually supposed to be on watch for human fuckfaces, but uhh, ya know. i don't really feel like capturing anybody. now my brother, papyrus. he's a human hunting fanatic. Hey, actually, i think that's him over there. hey, go through this fucking wide ass gate thing my brother made while he was high or some shit" We walked through and he said:" uhh... i'm not sure how you three will fit behind that convenient as fuck lamp, but you'll have to try." We hid and papyrus came out of nowhere. Sans said:" sup, bro" papyrus responds with:" YOU KNOW WHAT'S UP BROTHER! IT'S BEEN EIGHT DAYS AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T RECALIBRATED YOUR SHIT OF A JOB PUZZLES! YOU JUST SIT AND HANG AROUND OUTSIDE YOUR SMALL ASS STATION AND DO DIDDLY SHIT! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?!" I chuckled and sans said:" woah, *chill* bro. I've gotten a ton of work done today. A skele*ton*." He did a pose, clearly like saying:" whazup?" I laughed at this and watched what happened next. Papyrus then said:" SANS! YOUR NOT HELPING YOU LAZYBONES BAG OF SHIT!" Sans laughed and said:" wow. sounds like your really working yourself.... down to the fucking bone" He did the same pose again and papyrus said:" UGGGHH. I WILL GET BACK TO MY WORK! AS FOR YOUR WORK... PUT A LITTLE... *BACKBONE* INTO IT! NYEH HEH H*COUGHS* OH BLOODY HELL! WHY THE FUCK WAS MY LAUGH RUINED BY A SHITTY COUGH?! EH, WHATEVER. I'M LEAVING. BYE, SEE YOU LATER. HOPEFULLY NOT. KILL ME." then he left and sans said to us:" okay, come the christ out now." We came out from hiding and sand was gone. So we decided to press onwards until the next save point. I put my hand over it and it said:" Listening to those two bone heads argue about bullshit, fills you with.... fucking nothing bitch... okay it fills you with DETERMINATION holy fuck." I chuckled at this and went upwards only to see a fishing rod affixed to the ground. I teamed it in and a picture of a weird was looking monster appeared. He was so ugly, it looked like he for bashed in the head by a trident or some crazy bull shit. It said:" call me! Here's my number!" I of course decided not to call, because why the fuck would I call a complete stranger who is that ugly? Whatever, I left that area and headed left... this is where sans and papyrus were next...

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