Chapter 15: Undyne Battle

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We had just arrived at Undyne's "arena", more like a fucking cave that was ugly as shit. Anyway, we saved and walked closet and saw Undyne at the top, saying shit to us:" FUFUFU! You'll never get past me, human shit fucks! fufufufufu!!" She said rather enthusiastically, which was weird but whatever:"So we starting now Undyne, or are you just gonna prance around like a fucking tuna ya fish stick" I said, chuckling at what I had said and she now looked pissed as fucking piss, she then looked down:" Urrrggghh... human bitch holes... fine.. I'll give you SEXTUPLE PENETRATION!" She yelled as she shot six spears at us and we dodged. Kobe just blinked and sighed:" I'll fight this crack whoreific weed bag" He said as he walked forwards, getting ready to fuck her up of some shit. We sat and watched him fight her, which took god knows how long, probably 69 years or something like that. Her last attack seemed to screw Kobe over a bit but he got through it. I wrote down what the whole fight was like, here it is. So the beginning of the fight looked relatively easy, until the third attack, which all the spears she shot out were slow, reminded me of a turtle I saw before that said:" I'm Nine hundred ninety-nine years old. I don't give a fuck what happens to you guys" Now those were good times, eventhough it pretty much happened 10 minutes ago when I left to take a piss. Anyway, Undyne pressed on during the fight, trying to make Kobe give up due to exhaustion, or that's what it looked like, but surprisingly he held out until the very end, I was surprised at his dodging skills, he was quite good at it. As he progressed, Undyne was speaking some nonsensical bullshit, for example:" FUFUFUFUFU!!!! Be prepared for my attack ya hoey whore! You'll regret your sorry dumbass for crossing me, ya asshole. FUFUFUFU!" I chuckled a bit at this eventhough it made no god damn sense but who gave a flying flip. Near the end of the fight, It got extremely hard, the spears came form very direction at like sound speed and he still dodged, I was fucking surprised he did until he got hit once. he was lucky it skimmed him, it cut him a tiny bit. But he still did it and the three of us had to run away from her, which was harder then it sounds bevsude she's fast as all piss. We bolted it for hotland, which it was extremely hot there obviously, it's called hot land, not cold land, which sounds extremely stupid and I'm glad it's not the name of Snowdin, or I would wanna die. Stupid name and it sucks shit. Anyway, we ran far enough and Undyne fell over on a bridge, which I then decided to pour boiling water on her and walk away to save and when we saved, we were right in front of the lab, god I wondered what Alphys would be like, seeing how weird the others are. We walked to the door and a key pad was present, we didn't need it at the moment so we walked inside, and we kept on walking through the lab, we didn't seem anyone yet until we went up some stairs and found a few lab coats and one person standing with a clipboard and wearing a lab coat and glasses. They seemed to be writing notes down on a machine as they sipped their drink... it was... coffee...

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