Chapter 20: Battle against MƏ$ŤÆŤÕÑ...

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We all just stared at it, not knowing what to do, but then in an instant flash, it had hit Kobe and I into the wall, and Kobe had passed out  out at the time, but I managed to watch the whole fight. Bailey looked rather shocked and death defyingly frightened, but she knew it was up to her to stop this thing, so she walk forwards and entered the FIGHT. Once Bailey entered the FIGHT, she had four options, [FIGHT], [ACT], [ITEMS] and [MERCY]. I saw she was gonna press [MERCY], but as she then pressed it... the button was smashed to pieces by a huge mechanical fist, and when I looked to see what had smashed it... it was MƏ$ŤÆŤÕÑ 'who had smashed it. This was insane, but what was worse was that when Bailey was gonna press [ITEMS], it destroyed that button also, and then also the [ACT] button, and now... all that was left was the [FIGHT] button. I knew she obviously didn't wanna fight it, by what other choice did she have? Yeah, no other choice but too fight. When she did fight, she only did about 3 damage, and this thing had 100,000 health, which is A LOT for "pacifist" or whatever the hell this route should be called. MƏ$ŤÆŤÕÑ then attacked, and from the looks of it, it's attacks were basically a combination of Sans, Mettaton, Mettaton NEO and Mettaton EX all mixed into many different, shitfully shitty shit attacks:" Holy.. fuck that's some shit... 'lemme watch more ya stupid brain.. don't pass out yet.."I mumbled to myself as I continued watching, not giving a shit about my brain or anything:" Holy (Beep) what the hell?!"I heard Bailey scream, which i then wondered, why is she censored but not us?... hm... I think that has too do with the fact that she doesn't swear too often anyway, which would make sense then. MƏ$ŤÆŤÕÑ them shot these were blasters at her, they were I like Gaster blasters, but they stretched around like temmie when you fought them. It looked so damn hard, and as it seemed Bailey had gotten it down to half health, when suddenly she had gotten swiped into the wall, which then it made a loud crash and i quickly looked over too see if she was okay. With that notion, she was okay and she had bounced back up and was ready too keep on fighting. She ran forwards dodging all the attacks and attacking more until MƏ$ŤÆŤÕÑ had like 4 health left. At this point I had assumed he was pretty much done for. Well.. that wasn't the case. He had a go so attack that looked so hard, I was surprised Bailey hadn't do. But she got hit too the point of .5 health. Which then MƏ$ŤÆŤÕÑ aimed a blaster into her head, hit just before she got shot, a figure appeared behind them and teleported her our or the laser beams path. He then summoned a blaster shield to protect us as he picked up Kobe with telekenises, bringing him over to him as he injected some fluid into him, which seemed to heal him and wake him up, I got some kind of healing potion and so did Bailey and we all stood up straight as the figure stood in front of us, which by now we knew it was sci:" Kiddo's.. let's get the hell out of here before something bad most likely happens. I periodically know when things will bad..."he said before leading us too the exit extremely quickly. As we left Bailey threw a round green orb on the ground and we left:" What was that?"I asked Bailey, which she then shrugged"I'm not too sure but may be it'll blind it.."she said as we walked to an elevator. MƏ$ŤÆŤÕÑ had picked up the orb and eaten it, only for its insides to be eviscerated and melted, which then caused it too explodes as parts flew the floor. A note inside the orb landed on the ground, It said:" Hahaha! Gotcha '(Beep)". I heard the explosion and blinked as I shrugged it off and we went up the elevator to the castle... the save pouts however bad nothing more to say besides {SAVE} and {EXIT}... this wasn't good that was for sure..

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