Chapter 24: Universes At War..

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???, had walked down the floating platform until we got a better look at him... this was someone we knew... someone who stalked us... creating darkness everywhere... It was... G@573R... Wait... I cant even say his Nnnnnn-Na-a-a-ame.. Hmm..."Well well well, If it isn't the group of 'Classic' characters, along with their 'Human' friends. Well then, I guess you're 'a part', of the fun." He then laughed, that was a pun, wasn't it." Oh... My lord... its G@573R... or just G.." I said before standing up and watching this unfold." Ahh, the first 'human' steps up too the plate, too watch what happens. Hahaha, Alright then." He said, pushing up his glasses and looking around at everyone" Hah, alright, I'll tell you all whats going to happen," He said as he looked at his clipboard and yawned" Alright, basically how this will go down, is it's the strongest universe that gets too survive. All of you will fight each other, and whichever universes' Strongest monsters all get beaten and sent back to the stands, that universe will get erased, F o r  G o o d." He said, sounding serous, which made this all worse" Oh yay... just what we need..." I mumbled to myself and sighed, then walking back over to my group and sighing more" Well, we have no real choice here.. do we?' I asked/said too Sci, sighing at this huge problem before he looked at me and pushed up his glasses" Y-Yeah... We don't have a choice anymore..." He admitted to me as I sat down and yawned" Well then, what should we do?" I asked, not completely sure of what too do" Well... We have too make plans on how too actually survive." Sci had said before I decided too take a walk around the Castle, thinking about things" Damn...  This sucks.. "I mumbled as I walked into the throne room and sat down on the heir" Well I'll just wait then.."I said just before I fell asleep for a few hours.
I then was awoken by loud yelling and when u went and looked ouy the window, everyone from every castle was yelling at G, which made sense. More sense than I wanna admit at the moment, so I left the throne room and walked into the 'Last Corridor', which is where everyone was earlier and I saw them watching what was happening" Oh, hello Triton.. Its getting pretty fierce out there... G is explaining some stuff it seems," Sci told me, sighing as he looked back out there at G. I stood with him as we both looked out there, watching G talk to every single monster and human under and in front of him" So, if none of you get it, I'll rephrase it, are we clear?" He asked, sounding rather annoyed and as nobody answered, he sighed" Well then, It seems all of  you finally understand. Good, we shall continue this whole thing soon." He said as he teleport-ed and was gone. Then suddenly, he said something" Kobe Vs Geno! Sans, is the first round. Good luck" He said before Kobe and Geno! Sans were teleport-ed too the huge arena that looked exactly like the underground. Kobe was sent too Snowdin and Geno! Sans was sent too Hotland. Then, Kobe started grabbing the best equipment he could and got items along with them, preparing for the fight. Geno! Sans, was walking too the Riverperson, which he then rode the boat too Snowdin and walked up too Kobe. It at this point, was a standoff in the area where you usually fight Papyrus" ... Oh my Fuck, I have too fight you?.. Well, I'll try too kick your ass into full full maximum overdrive," Kobe had said too him as Geno! Sans yawned and smirked before saying" Hehe, well I have a deal for you then. If you beat me, I'll join your team, but if I win, You'll be excluded from this whole conundrum and you'll be erased from existence. Sound like a deal?" He asked Kobe with a smile as Kobe stood there, thinking. He then looked back at Geno! Sans" Alright, it sounds fair as it gets at this point.. Alright then, I accept." He told Geno! Sans with a sigh" You made a wise and good choice." He told Kobe as his scarf swished with the wind... This was gonna get intense.

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