Chapter 10: Its close

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We kept on walking down the snowy path when we approached a coloured tile puzzle. I was hoping Bailey and Kobe didn't have epilepsy, or that would be bad, though I'm pretty sure they dont. Anyway, as we approached, papyrus said:" NYEH?! HUMANS! YOU'LL LOVE THIS PUZZLE! IT WAS MADE BY THE GREAT DR. LISA SIMPSON JURASSIC PARK EXTRA! IT'S VERY VERY COOL! SO LISTEN UP! GREEN TILES WILL DO... UHH... I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT THE FUCK THEY DO... SANS! WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO AGAIN?! I CAN'T REMEMBER FOR SHITTY CHRIST!" Sans responds with:" ahh, ya know paps... i don't fucking remember. why the fuck do you expect me to remember that shit? oh well, it's okay bro. we can jape them with the next puzzle of yours" Papyrus looks at us and then sans and says:"*SIGH* YOUR RIGHT SANS. WE WILL JAPE THEM WITH THE NEXT ONE THEN.*COUGHS* HUMANS, WE WILL SEE YOU AT THE NEXT PUZZLE." He then walks away and sans leaves without saying anything, which I found rather odd to say the least but I pressed on anyway. We kept on walking until we reached this slippery platform that was like 100ft off the ground and we had to slide to different roles to make X and O's. I then said:" Hmm... are these puzzles in a different order? Because I'm just as confused as a Jewish slave being tortured for the hell of it." Kobe snickers and says:" What the fuck is up with you and Hitler and his Jewish slaves? Like what the fuck" Bailey then giggle at this and says:" Yeah, what the hell. Jesus Christ I've never heard so many Hitler jokes, if you can call them that" we all laugh and continue walking through the puzzle which took for some odd fucking reason, only like 1 minute. We got past it and we slid down a path and when we came out of the path we each had a snow shape on our heads. Kobe had a little weed leaf made of snow, mine was a tree and Bailey had a kitty on her head. I giggle at this and we went down a path and we saw sans. We walked up to him and he said:" oh heya fuckstick' ma gee. howzitgoin?" I laugh and say:" pretty good so far. Not terrible" I say before walk forwards and seeing him in front of us and I say:" Wait weren't you just behind us?" I ask and he chuckles, saying:" yep. i'll tell ya later ' bout why I can do that" he walks away and we quickly follow only to see papyrus and him on the other side of a bridge. Papyrus says:" NYEH HEH HEH! HUMANS! THIS IS YOUR LAST AND MOST DANGEROUS CHALLENGE! THE FIREY GAUNTLET OF DEADLY TERROR OR WHATEVER THE FUCK I CALLED IT!... FUCK! I NEED SPAGHEJUANA! WHATEVER! ANYWAY, I HAVE PUT A PLATE OF SPAGHETTI ON THE BRIDGE-*TASTES IT* MY OWN SPAGHETTI TASTES LIKE SHIT!*THROWS IT* BYE BYE NASTY ASS PILE OF SPAGHESHITTY*COUGHS* ANYWAY! LET'S PROCEED!" A bunch of mechanisms appear and they are aimed at us" FIRE!" it doesn't do anything and papyrus yells:" FIRE!" We laugh and he yells:" FUCKING FIRE YOU PILE OF SHIT! FUCKING FIRE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!! ARGHHH!! FUCK!!"he seems so pissed he just leaves instantly and sans just winks and leaves too. We laughed and shrugged afterwards. We then left and we had entered snowdin. I saved it said:" Seeing papyrus freak the fucking shit out fills you with... bullshit. It fills you with fucking bullshit and confusion... and determination too" I laugh and I realised something... we were close to the papyrus...

"Undertale" Made Reality Book 1: The Awakened Void [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now