Chapter 13: Difficult Confusion

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We had just left the place we just met Undyne. She's more intimidating in person then in the game, which I think made sense. Though, her height striked me as odd, seeing as she was a fish. A fucking 6"8 tall fish, how does that shit make sense? Like, what the fucking shit is that shit? Anyway, as we left, we entered a hall way with a certain puzzle. We had to throw these plants, that were called, "Bridge Seeds", or some shit. I think they are called that because if thrown in a straight line, they form a bridge or something, because I don't remember. So we made the first bridge and pressed onwards into the next room, which again, had the same type of puzzle in it. We formed a bridge in the wrong spot and it lead to a sign that said:" Hey fuckstick, you fucked up. Go the fuck away and redo this bullshit puzzle again" I chuckled and ran back to the bell and the puzzle reset. I forced Kobe to do it, because why not and I know he totally sucks a puzzles, so it would be funny. He did it after like 5 minutes of trying. We left the room and kept walking until we reached this wall with these ancient writings on the wall. As I read them, I laughed at one. it was a huge thumbs up, and in brackets under it, it said:" Mmm~ so big~. By Janelle, Triton and Chiken." I laughed and said:" How so they know this? Wow" Kobe and Bailey read it and laughed. Kobe was Like:" Just wow. Fucking amazing." Bailey just then had 5he expression of:" Oh god my innocence" and she said:" I'm still keeping my innocence no matter what >:3" I chuckled and said:" Okay, that's fine:3 Let's go"I said as we got on a floating platform  and floated down a pond to the next room. Which we met Undyne again, except she threw spears at us. We bolted it so fast, we couldn't even think. We ran and hid inside a bush , when Undyne came and accidentally grabbed Monster Kids eye and almost ripped it out by accident. Kobe and I watched in Horror as Bailey just turned away. We all were looming away as his eyeball actually came out and he screamed in pain and agony. It sounded terrible and he cried, but not for very long. He then passed out... or so I thought but he got up and ran out of the Bush. it was a fake scene to scare us, which is just mean as fuck. He ran away without saying a word and we just blinked and had poker faces. I then said:" Oh what the fuck was that? Bullshit" We all looked at eachother in confusion and just left the area. As we walked down a cold and dark path, I was thinking about what had just happened. I thought:" Jesus, if they do this more I'm for sure gonna have a heart attack." We then accidentally wandered into Temmie village. Which was weird but we went up to Bob and he said:" Oh, hello fellow newcomers. What brings you to our humble abode? Something interesting, I presume?" I was astonished with his grammar and I said:" We accidentally wandered in, and I guess we are just checking around the place. I'm not sure what this place exactly has in it anyways, so I'm interested in it." I replied and he chuckled a bit, then said:" Hahah, makes sense that newcomers would wanna see around here, being that interested is actually kind of intriguing, so I hope you guys find what you want." We nodded and went to the Tem shop... it got weird form here...

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