【二十一 】time of the month

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Because your author is at the time of the month and therefore, yall need to suffer as well.


not going to school. cramps. my first day.

That three sentences are enough to make Keiji ask his mother permission to skip school to take of his girlfriend.

"Oh my, do you want me to prepare some cookies for her?," his mother ask.

"If you don't mind. She loves your cookies," Keiji say before dash off to his room to change clothes.

Your period on the first day sucks. There will be an additional sickness as well. Once, you feel dizzy and feel like vomitting at school. Since that day, your mother always let you stay at home on the first three days.

You can't get up because of cramps.

❝coming over, love❞

Keiji wait for his mother to finish baking cookies while eat his breakfast calmly. It's still early and you probably not in the mood to wake up.

"You're not going to school today?" his father raise his brows when he notice Keiji is casually eating his breakfast.

"Nope. [Name] is sick so I want to take care of her," Keiji say politely.

"Ah, I taught you well. I did the same thing back in days to your mother as well," his father chuckle, remembering back to those days.

His mother approach both of them from behind and hit his father's head with a spatula.


"Don't spouts nonsense to our son! You always asked me to take care of myself," his mother hiss.

"Honey, please. I'm sorry,"

"I'm not your honey. Hmph!"

Keiji stifle his laughter. His parents relationship are goal asf.

"[Name], wake up," Keiji shake your body a little.

You stir on your bed and open your eyes a little. Looking at your phone, you blink your eyes only to see it's 8 AM.

"I already prepare a hot bath for you. Soak in there as long as you want," he mutter out softly.

You nod your head and rub your eyes a little. Pain shot straight to your lower abdomen when you try to stand up.

"Carry me," you hold your arms out like a child while holding your phone. It's a habit to listen to some music while showering.

Keiji chuckle and and carry you to your bathroom. He press the lock from the inside the close the door from the outside

"Now, time to change the mattress,"

You hum a little, following the beat of [ANY SONG]. It's pretty catchy and you always listen repeatedly.

"Wee woo wee woo," you poke the bubbles that's floating.

"My hands are wrinkly like an old lady," you mutter out. It's your habit to talk to youself.


You turn off the music and wrap yourself with a towel. Peeking from the bathroom a little, you look around. You're not risking to show yourself with only in towel in front of Keiji.

"Sweater, baggy pants," you hum while locking the door.

Keiji is busy preparing for a hot chocolate and the cookies that his mother bake freshly from home.

"Keiji," the setter turn around to see you looking so tired. "Can I have a hug?"

"Sure," he nod and bring the hot chocolate to the living room with you trailing from
behind, munching the cookies.

"I love your mom! Say thanks to her from me," you grin widely.

Keiji chuckle. He like how your mood goes from down to up just because of a cookies.

"Keiji, why am I acting like a child?" you ask him with an innocent face.

"Because of your hormones," the setter answer casually.

". . ."

"Go die," you scoff, facing away from him but still eat the cookies and drink the hot chocolate.

Keiji hide his smile before placing down his phone and back hug you. "I'm sorry. I'm just kidding,"

No reply.

He sigh a little before grab your face gentlely so you're facing him. A pout form on your face.


A peck on the forehead.


A peck on the nose.


Lastly on your lips.

Keiji chuckle as your face turn crimson.


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