【二十三】ciao adios pt. 2

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Part 2 of Ciao Adios

prepare for le bad angst

— recap :

"See you at the court next week," you wink at him before leave the door.

Keiji's employees watch as you and Seungyoun walk hand-in-hand to the door exit. Your ex-best friend's jaw drop, not believing that you have a better guy than her.

❝ Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio but it doesn't sound the same❞

Keiji hugged the pillow that still had your scent it on. It was the only thing that's keeping him sane. He still remember he would hug you from behind when he came home late and waking up to your sleeping face.

He purposely would go to work late just to spend some time with you but it's not the same after he met your ex-best friend.

❝ It all just sounds like ooooh...
Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize ❞

He was too dumb to realize there was once a woman whom he called his wife and is the reason behind of his success now. You were the one who helped him climb from bottom until he reach the top of the chain.

How foolish of him to forgot you have been there for him the entire time.

Maybe it's true what the saying say.

Women are test when their man doesn't have anything but men are test when they have everything.

❝ Take you to every party
'Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man❞

"Keiji, let's dance together!"

The ex-setter still can hear your cheerful voice asking him to dance together in the rain. He knows how much you love to dance and would take you to every dance party.

Masquerade Ball, Winter Homecoming, you name it. Even Halloween party.

He doesn't like to dress up for events but he would do it in the name of love. He would do anything for you and you would do the same. Their love is requited and not one-sided.

Though, he stopped taking you to the dance party.

He wasn't sure why he even attended to the party that Kageyama and Hinata hosted. The grip on the glass tighten when he saw you and your new lover, Cho Seungyoun dancing together.

Seungyoun shower you with love, sincerity and happiness.

❝My pride, my ego, my needs and my selfish ways
Caused a good strong woman like you walk out my life ❞

It pain him to see you with another man but he can't do anything about it. After all, it was his fault for his and yours fallen marriage.

Because of him, he let a strong woman like you walk out of his life.

You endured the pain on for a very long time when you were with him but you still managed to keep a wide smile and treated him with love.

❝Although it hurts
I'll be the first to say that I was wrong❞

Seungyoun had his arms around you, glaring a little as Keiji and Koutarou approached the both of you. You squeezed his hand a little, assuring you're okay. Koutarou surprisingly forgave Keiji despite of the mess he created.

"[N-, I mean Bokuto-san, I'm sorry for everything I did," he muttered out. "I wish happiness with him and I hope we can begin a fresh start," he continued.


You looked at Seunyoun and he sighed before nodded his head. Deep inside, you already forgave him but you were unsure about Seungyoun.

"I'll forgive you, Akaashi-san. Friends?" you held out  your hands.


❝I hope he buys you flowers
I hope he holds your hand❞

"Are you really okay?" he brushed your hair away from your face.

You grinned widely and nod. "Of course. I've move on and.." you trail off.

Seungyoun raised his brows in curiosity. "And?"

"I love you," you smiled cheekily at him.

"I love you too," he laughed, pecking your lips.

❝ Do all the things I should have done
When I was your man ❞

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