The favour

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Marcelines POV

I blinked, trying to concentrate on what Bubblegum was now saying. I think she was talking about how flame princess is actually really dangerous. Wait, then why am I here?

"Yo, Bonnibel, I appreciate whatever your doing for Finn, but i need to get going...", I start but Bubblegum shoots me a glare that sits me back down.

"Marcy, we need to talk", Bubblegum looks serious. I bet I have to listen now.

"Whaaaaat?", I moan, my head in my hands. I can't help that I'm lazy. I just wanna get back and sleep.

"You owe me a favour, remember when I helped you get Hambo back?", she smirked as I my cheeks grew hot.

"Who's Hambo", Finn chimed in. I grimace, waiting for the explanation that will probably change Finns point of view of me.

"Marcelines teddy that Simon gave her when she was about seven.", Bubblegum laughed as my cheeks grew hotter and my eyes grew more red and bloodthirsty.

Finn just nodded,"I understand. Lots of people have something special to them. Don't let Bubblegum be a jerk to you". He glared at Bubblegum which made me feel, like, ten times better.

"Whatever, I'm gonna kill Bubblegum one way or another", I smirk darkly at bubblegum, who seems to go paler.

"Anyways, Marceline, you owe me. I need your help to get something from a faraway land", Bubblegum started.

"Why don't you just take Finn and Jake?", last time I recall, they were the adventurers. I just sit at home and play my bass.

"They don't know how to get there. I need to go to the Nightosphere!", Bubblegum explained with round eyes. "I need a sample of that volcano thing at the heart of the Nightosphere".

"Its too dangerous. What about I just get it", I shrug. Its not too hard for a vampire who practically grew up there.

"You don't know what rock to get", Bubblegum replied.

"Its a volcano. Its made of one giant rock!", I hissed, getting agitated.

"There's a certain rock inside. Duh!", Bubblegum facepalmed herself.

Finn and Jake silently stood at the sidelines. Looking scared as if I was gonna make a sudden outburst and destroy the whole castle. I was known for that kinda thing.

"Fine. I'll make portal at my house", I turned to leave. Bubblegum nodded and followed obediently.....

Adventure Time with Marcy and BubblegumDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora