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Marcelines POV

"Let's start at Lady's  house", I say, wiping a stray tear from my eye before Bonnie notices.

"Kay, I'll be there in a bit, I'm gonna check Finn and Jakes house", Bonnie turned away and headed in the opposite direction.

I shrug and float towards Lady's barn. I hold my umbrella closely as I step into the sun. I wince as the light hits my foot by accident. "Shi-", I stop in mid-word as I reach Jakes girlfriends house.

Its in ruins and I hear muffled sobs coming from inside. I slowly open the door to see lady sobbing, holding her head in her hands (Hooves more like).

"Don't worry Lady, me and Bubblegum are trying to find out what's happening", I whisper to her. I slowly approach the Rainicorn.

She mutters something in Korean which I don't understand. Maybe I should get lessons from Jake when we save him. She looks hopefully up at me with teary eyes.

I weakly smile,"Can I investigate here?" Lady nods, curling back up to take a nap to clear her mind.

I wish I could sleep all day everyday, but no, it Finn just had to be kidnapped. Stupid mortals.

I turn into what looks like the main room. A small TV and a pink couch sat in the middle of the room. Blue carpet surrounded the floor, giving it a cosy feeling. I look around to see a broken vase and some torn carpet. There must've been a struggle here.

"Glob, now what?", I ask myself. What? I'm just a vampire, what am I supposed to do. Phone Bonnie?

Facepalming, I reach for my phone. I go onto my contacts list and find the name: Princess Bonbon Bubblegum.

What, don't judge, all my contacts have stupid nicknames. And trust me, hers is not the worst.

"Sup Bonbon", I say casually as Bubblegum picks up after what seems like forever.

"Don't call me that", she says, sounding annoyed for some reason.

"Whatever Bonbon, I found some evidence, come over", I say in an annoying voice.

I hear a loud sigh from the other end. "Kay, coming".

After another million years, Bonnie reaches the house. I point at the evidence. She gives me an impressed look that makes me smirk. Imma genius.

"Now what?", I ask kind of stupidly.

"Well, we need a trail, can you pick up a scent or something?", Bubblegum looks from me, to the carpet.

"You don't expect me to sniff that thing do you?", I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes actually", by the tone in her voice, I know she's not kidding around.

I stare at the torn baby blue carpet. Then back to Bubblegum. "I cannot say how much I despise you right now", I growl as I kneel down and take a whiff of Lady's floor.

I immediately find the scent we're looking for.  "I smell trespassers here. And Finn and Jake. But its long gone".

"Can you find a trail?"

"We can find out?", I shrug and sniff the air. It smells of.... the Lich?

Hey guys. Its really late now and I'VE got homework due in first lesson tomorrow so I need to do that real quick. Also, out of interest, can you guess my fave adventure time character? (Other than Gunter) If you can, you get a shout out c: But if no one answers within two chapters, then idk.
~ Gunter

Adventure Time with Marcy and BubblegumOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant