The secret inside

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Finns POV

I yell as Marshall falls to the floor, blood steadily flowing from his cut. One of the kidnappers ran in, shouting something that I didn't quite catch.

I only heard the ending which was,"...You fool!" The red hooded guy followed in after, his green eyes glowing in the darkness.

I back away to the corner of my cell, holding Hambo to my chest. I saw then open marshalls cell door. They cut off his chains and inspected the large dent in his neck. Then they bandaged it up and left without another word.

"Marshall?", I creep forwards as I hear a low groan come from the semiconscious demon.

"Look, there's something inside Hambo", he looks up and points to his belly.

I stare at the teddy, realizing there was, what looked like a key, stuck inside.

I turned it over to reveal a large slit along its back. Marceline will not be happy!

I dropped object in my hand. I was right, it was a key! Suddenly a crazy thought came to me head. I looked from the key in my hand, to the lock on my cell door.

"Do it", Marshall said, getting up into a sitting position, rubbing his sore looking neck.

Hesitating for a second, I wondered if them crazy guys would come back in. No noise.

I crept closer, clutching the bars in one hand. I had the lock in the other. I put the key in the lock. Perfect fit.

"its the perfect fit Marshall!", I whisper to him.

He just nods confidently back. I turn the key and hear a loud click as the door swung open. I races over to my friends cage, quickly unlocking it and ushering him out. I knew the main door was not the best way to go, so we went round the back. As we crept through the long corridor, I could head faint barking.

We walked closer, and the noise grew louder. I instantly knew who it was. "Jake!"

Sorry this is short, ppl who are actually reading this! But this book is coming to an end. I'm currently writing and designing the cover for the second one which is not a follow on from this one!!!!! See y'all soon.

~Gunter c:

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