How to save a vampire

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Marcelines POV

I wince as Bubblegum steps through the portal, holding all the things that'll help save me.

"Marceline...?", Bubblegum dropped the items on the floor and ran up to me.

I was barely conscious, but I managed to stifle a small smirk. Bubblegum raised an eyebrow and looked from my face, to my arm, as if indicating,'What have you done now?'

"Look. Stop staring and give me the blood", my voice cracked as I spoke.

"Wait, you're just gonna drink it from that dirty old bag?", Bonnie asks, disgusted.

I shake my head,"Pfft, no.  Ask my dad to get a cup or whatever". As if this day couldn't get any worse...

"I don't like your dad, he's weird", Bubblegum announced. She grabbed a near glass and opened up the bag enough to pour some in.

I carefully watch the blood, my stomach growling. I can feel the hunger taking over. I know it won't be long before I start killing. I quickly shut my eyes.

"What do you mean 'weird'?", I ask, trying to get my mind off the scent and the sound of fresh blood.

"Well you mention something about fries earlier on and....", Bubblegum faded off curiously.

"That none of your business Princess", I say in a sarcastic voice.

"Wow Marcy. Even though your dying, you still act like I'm a child or something", Bonnie's comment made me laugh.

"You are to me. Your a speck in my thousand year life", I snort, which made my ribs hurt. "Hurry up, I'm thirsty", my smirk grows wider as Bonnie hands me the glass, her face pale.

I quickly drink my filling of blood, which seems to be nearly the whole bag, and instantly feel better.

"And that how to save a dying vampire", I exclaim loudly.

I side-glance at Bonnie. She looks proud of herself. I roll my eyes.

"Hey, Marceline, got you some fries", my dads voice came from the door. He opened it and a wide smile spread across my face. Fries. My favourite food.

"Thanks dad", he hands me the fries and awkwardly rests his hand on my shoulder. He gives my a loving smile and a curt nod to Bubblegum, then casually strolls out of the room as if he goes through this everyday.

"Good. Some proper food for once", I rub hands together and start to dig in.

"I thought vampires only ate red and blood?", Bubblegum asks my as I lean back and pour tomato sauce all over my treasured food.

"And fries", I wink at her as I feast on my fries. She gives me a half disbelieving look before settling down on a chair next to my bed. "You want one?"

"Let me think", she says sarcastically,"They are fries. From the Nightosphere. Where did they come from?"

"Just say yes or no, Glob, why do you have to make it so difficult", I growl.

"No thanks. I'm still wondering about the rivalry between you and your dad. What's this about 'fries'?", Bonnie says in a serious tone. "Seriously Marcy".

"Whatever. That was ages ago", I buy myself more time by shoving some more in my mouth, and taking another sip of blood. As the warm liquid slid down my throat, I craved more... But the bag was empty, I groaned.

Bubblegum seemed to understand and got up from her chair,"You want more blood. Marcy, what happens if I can't get you more?"

I growl loudly,"Then I'll have to kill you". I can feel myself slipping away. The hunger. The craving. Its all too much!

"Marcy, no....."

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