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Bubblegums POV

I blinked open my eyes to see Marcy in a hospital bed next to me. One of her arms were covered in bandages, though, I though she got stabbed in the chest of something. That's when I saw it, a blood covered bandage around her chest. Looking closer, I could see silver specks all over the stained cloth. Vampires are weird, they have black blood, and quick healing powers, but if they pass out, they seem to be really grumpy when they wake up. I don't know why, I haven't studied them, Marcelines the only vampire I know.

"Bonnie, I don't want to alarm you, but I think I'm dying. Go and find the rock or whatever, then help Finn, I can sense he's in trouble", Marcelines eyes were now open, bit they were clouded with pain.

"No, I'm staying here. That guy who stabbed you could come back when he sees no one to get in the way", I almost plead to stay with Marcy, knowing she's still to weak to adventure further into the Nightosphere.

Marceline growled. She pulled herself into a sitting position. "I can look after myself, Bonnie", she grumbled.

I looked into her eyes. Her face showed no emotion but the colour in her eyes was fading.

"Don't die Marcy. Wait, did you say Finn was in trouble!?", I whisper-yelled so I wouldn't disturb Marcelines dad with whatever he was doing.

"Blood. I need blood.", Marceline winced as she shifted position.

"How am I supposed to get blood?", I can feel my eyes starting to water. I'm not usually the one cry, but I was scared. Scared that Marceline would die, scared that Finn would die, scared that there would be no one to save Ooo.

"Go back to Ooo. Then,follow these instructions and come back", she hands me a piece of paper and with a flick of her pale hand, a portal opened up.

I stepped in, and found myself back in the candy kingdom. Screams echoed around me. Turning around, I saw fire and melted candy people. Marceline was right, Finn was in trouble. A figure in a black cloak hovered above the kingdom, causing chaos.

I looked back at the list Marcy gave me: Step 1: Go to my house and look in the fridge. There should be some blood.

Step 2: Get my black sharpie and draw a face on the wall above the couch, between two candles.

Step 3: Get some bug milk and throw it on the face.

Strap 4: Chant the following words...

I ran to Marcy's house without any hesitation. I flew open the fridge door, grabbed the disgusting bag of blood and bug milk. I set the drinks on the couch and ran upstairs to grab the sharpie. I drew a Derp face on her wall and splashed it with bug milk. I chanted the words, and smiled as a blue portal opens. I step through. I'm instantly transported back to the hospital wing of the castle.


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