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Finns POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a dark room, surrounded by prison cells. I  moaned as I tried to shift into a more comfortable position, but figured out I was tied to a chair.

"Jake, where are you, dude", I yelled. My voice echoed around the walls. There was no reply, only a sharp cry of pain.

"Did you kill her. Did you destroy the vampire?", a deep voice sounded from the other room. I instantly recognised it. The hooded guy who'd captured me.

"I don't know. I let the pink one live.", the other person growled. "But her dad or whatever beat me up, I recorded it for you though, master".

"Good. Bring in the prisoner", I winced as the metal door flung open. A red hooded guy steeped in front of me.

"Stay away from me", I screamed, wiggling around, trying to by myself more time for a possible escape.

I heard another cry of pain. Turning around, I see a demon kid. He was wearing handcuffs that dug into his wrists. Black blood oozing from his wound.

"You OK?", I whisper as I'm transported to the other room.

The kid looks at me with clouded red eyes. He shakes his head, causing the chain around his neck to wedge in deeper.

Once away from the dungeon, I can now see a faint hologram of Marceline. I giant knife like thing had sliced open her chest. I scream helplessly as I watch Bubblegum stand there, not knowing how to react.

"You've got really good editing skills, dude", I don't believe what I'm seeing.

He chuckles at me, then rewinds the video the the start. I see everything. looks real.

"You. Killed her?", my voice trembles as I speak. My heart fills with dread, since Marcy is the only one, other than her dad, who knows the way out, Bubblegum will be stuck there forever.

"Not yet, look!", the guys shoved me closer to the hologram.

There's Marcy, in a hospital bed. She isn't breathing. Wait. Vampires don't need to breath. But she's part demon I think. Do they need to breath?

Next, a blue light flashes from the left side of the room. A portal. Out comes Bubblegum, in all her glory. Holding what looks like.... a bag of blood, some leftover milk, and a sharpie?

"Bubblegums gonna save her", I exclaim loudly. The two assassins turn around to observe the picture.

"Pfft, blood isn't gonna save that wimp", he snorts.

"Marceline?", Bubblegums shaky voice comes from the hologram.

She drops the bag of blood down beside Marcelines bed, then looks over her wound. A blood stained bandage is wrapped around her chest and arm.

"What did you do to her arm!?", I yell, anger burning through me.

They both exchange confused glances and shrug,"We dunno".

I sigh as I'm led back to my cage. I glance at the little demon kids cage to see him curled up in the corner, crying. If I ever get out of here, he's coming too!

Adventure Time with Marcy and BubblegumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora