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Marshall lees POV

I cried out in pain as the chain around my neck dug deeper into my throat. Black blood dripped onto the floor, making a little puddle.

I tried to position myself son the chain would feel comfortable. I let out another sharp cry as more blood spilled out of my new wound.

"Marshall, why did you get locked up and I didn't", Finn asked, tilting his head.

"I'm a demon. A monster", I say shakily,"And I'm part vampire".

"Oh. So you can fight back", Finn exclaimed.

"Yea, the chains make it so if I move, it digs in", I mumble.

I hold up my wrists. They are covered  with sticky blood.

"I'm sorry, dude", Finn breathes, holding Hambo tight. This 'Marceline' person must be important to him. "Princess Bubblegum and Marcy will be on there way. They can save us", he adds quietly.

He sounded doubtful. Maybe they won't come. What if I die?

"So, do you know why they gave us Hambo?", I ask.

Finn shrugs,"Maybe they're trying to yell us there's another way to escape".

I nod hopefully,"Yea, notice anything strange about it?"

"No, and I don't want to rip it open or marceline will kill me!", Finn exclaims with round eyes.

"Harsh. Its only a teddy", I say.

"Doesn't matter. I can't find anything different, so let's think of a back up plan", Finn said with a gleam of hope in his bright blue eyes.

"Kay, so, I think I could maybe pick the lock", I gaze at the lock. It a simple one that can be opened with a key. It looks rusty, but I think if I had the right tools, I could pick it.

"Can you pick it with your claws or something?", Finn asks.

"Claws? Dude, I'm not a vampire!"

"Oh. Sorry", he says apologetically.

I casually shrug. Looking around the cell, I spy something in the far corner, just out my reach. I glance at the chains. I'll have to break them if I wanna get to the thing. But how?

I instantly start feeling light headed as I wriggle my wrists and neck. My wound, which was scabbing over, was now open, and blood was pouring out. Big mistake!

I lean uncomfortably against the bars, suddenly feeling incredible weak. I yell out in pain as I sink to the floor.

The last thing I see before blackness is the dungeon door opening and harsh yelling......

Sorry its so short, I'll update either today or tomorrow, promise. If I don't then...... pls don't kill me :C
~ Gunter

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