Jake the Dog

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Jakes POV

I felt a sharp pain in my arms as I woke up. I looked down to see green liquid oozing from two open bite mark like wounds. As I tried to shape my fingers into a key, another searing jolt of pain ran up both my arms.

"Great, no stretchy powers, no Finn and I'm stuck in a cage", I groaned. I looked around my cage. There was a bowl of dry dog food and water, a hammock, and what looked like a toilet. "This place needs some major TLC".

A shrill laugh came from across the hallway since I was locked in a dark room with blood red walls. The laughter grew closer and now I could feel myself shaking uncontrollably. The laughter sounded somewhat familiar but I couldn't make it out....

"Ah, you're finally awake", the guy who'd captured us stepping into the room, rubbing his hands gleefully.

"What have you done with Finn?", I snarled at him. The guy only laughed harder. Suddenly a red light flashed in the palm of his hand. It grew and grew until a faint picture of my beloved bro could be seen.

"He is alive and well. But there is no escape, your little friends may be searching for you now, but we will destroy them", he waved his hand in the air and another picture was now shown.

"Marcy and Bubblegum will find us and kill you!", I growl. I study the picture. They look to be in the candy kingdom. Marceline is looking annoyed and Bubblegum is rushing around like a maniac.

"Not if we kill them first", he chuckles,"The first plan to kill them neatly succeeded but now we have a better one".

"Take me to Finn!", I snarl, curling my lip.

"Not until you watch Marceline and Bubblegum slowly die", he threw back his head and let out a sharp laugh as he stalked out.

"Oh no, Marcy and Bubblegum never got on. How ate they gonna find us if they argue all the time", I mutter as I recall the massive fight that got a taser gun involved. I shudder.

Then I think back to the story Marcy told us when playing basket ball with ice king. How ice king was really called simon and the crown he wore cursed him. I guess that's why Marcy's always so grumpy when the subject comes up. If Bubblegum brought up that, she's done for!

My mind suddenly goes foggy as a strange scent fills the room. I can feel my eyes growing heavier by the second and soon enough...... I fall into a Deep,deep sleep.

Sorry its kinda short but I promise I'll try and update again today C:
~ Gunter <3

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