Smarties incident

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Credit goes to BreeWritesStuff  on Tumblr love ya girl

Damian has recently been pacing the Towers corridors as he caught a glimpse of dark blue cloth flowing he knew who'd that belonged to he followed the figure as he saw his beloved his raven with her hand balled into a fist once she walks in to her room he is quiet and quick to go into her room once in her room she turns around like nothing as she swallows a handful of capsule-shaped candies, while she still had some on her hand Damian looks at her in disbelieve as he knew that raven just recoverd from depression and sucidal therapy. Once he sucked back into reality he yelled at her  "RAVEN!! [smacks it out of her hand] WHAT'RE YOU DOING??? YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!!" Raven takes out a plastic wrapper and shows Damian the label as she said softly  "...those were Smarties Dami" Damian held his head as he walked towards her as he hugged her " Don't joke around like that Rave " he said with concern on his voice as he gently picked up her chin as he planted a soft kiss once he stepped out the door Garfield was outside her door with a smarties including the wrapper in his mouth as he pilled it out as powder was coming from his mouth and then starred at Raven as Raven screamed "KORI GARFIELD IS SMOKING SMARTIES AGAIN!!!!" Garfield ran knowing that his butt was.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................busted

yeah I know it's lame but it was the only thing I could think of.

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