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Edwin drove us home after we said our goodbyes to everyone.

"You good?" Edwin asked Kiira, who was sat on the passenger's seat next to him. He paused and shook his head "Never mind, dont answer that." He murmured, scratching his side of his lip.

I sang some songs quietly so she wouldnt freak out too much while Edwin's driving.

1 new message from 'B'

B- is she ok?

Me- obviously no but she calmed down.

B- make sure she gets something to eat and drink. Tell her to take a shower so she can at least feel clean.

Me- this is why i love u🌹

B- 😚

I turned my phone off as we arrived at home.

"Thanks Ed." I said on behalf of Kiira, who was too shaken to speak. I led her into the house and helped her take off her shoes and bring her coat upstairs.

"What happened?" Leo asked, getting up to hug Kiira.

"Her mom committed suicide like 30 minutes ago. Police knocked on her door for like debt stuff and found her in a bathroom with pills on the floor." My voice cracked a few times, but i told him everything fully. Leo hugged Kiira tighter this time as Anais walked to both of them to stroke Kiiras hair.

"Kiki, lets go wash you off." I said, leading her gently to the bathroom. She walked into the bathroom and took a shower silently. I got into comfortable clothing and snuggled up into bed, thinking about how good of a person Kiira's mom was. She was a beautiful woman who wasn't afraid of her beautiful curves - she was confident funny and talented. I figured that she killed herself due to financial problems, which made me sad.

After a few minutes, Kiira came out of the bathroom and sighed at me as she held the towel around her body.

"Thank you, Cleo." She spoke up quietly.

"For what?" I asked.

"Staying with me. Taking care of me."

"What else was i supposed to do? You're like my sister, Kiira. You're family. I don't care what happens, you must feel loved." I said, smiling at her. She sighed and got into a crop top and shorts.

Later, we got into bed and fell fast asleep.

The next day..

I woke up quietly, leaving Kiira in peace. I walked to the bathroom to get ready for another day.

I walked downstairs and greeted Milo along with Leo and Anais.

"How's Kiira?" Anais asked softly.

"She ight." I said, taking a sip from my water bottle. "Just let her know I'll be at PrettyMuch's studio doing a video."


"And yes, Zion will be there. But we're okay now." I continued. I walked to the door, keeping Milo inside.

"Bye!" I said, closing the door and earning goodbyes from the couple.

At the house

I knocked on the door and stepped back to wait for someone to answer. Soon, Nick opened the door.

"Afternoon." He greeted with a smile.

"Wass good ICONic boy." I giggled, earning a playful punch.

"Shut up and get in." He laughed. I walked in to see Zion and Brandon harmonising with each other on Instagram Live.

"Heyy!" I sang, hugging them both.

"Cleo's here!" Zion cheered, looking at all the comments on live. I smiled and waved at everyone watching. Brandon pulled me in for a kiss as i wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hey, B."

"Hello, Beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

"Hey, Cleo can you get Brandon's phone real quick? I wanna play some music." Zion interrupted Brandon and I. I nodded and ran to Brandon's room to see his phone on the bed, on charge. I held it in my hands bur then paused.

Should i look through his phone a bit?

I questioned myself for a few minutes. Then, i realised i had finger ID on his phone. Therefore, i unlocked it and looked through his messages. I saw someone named with a rose emoji so i figured it was Rose. I clicked on their text history.

I gasped.

That little-

"Aye, Cleo, you done?" Brandon shouted for me.

"Yeah hold on!" I shouted back. I quickly closed the messaging tab and walked towards Brandon, giving him his phone. He smiled at me and began playing some songs for the live.

A few minutes later, the live ended.

"Uh, I'm really sorry about yesterday.." I apologised.

"No, it's fine." Brandon said, hugging me tightly as he swung me around.

"No its not. I exposed Rose and then Kiira found out about her mom.. I think i just ruined the dinner-"

"Baby! Don't say that." Brandon tilted my face up so i could look at him. "No matter what, you'll never ruin an evening."

1 new message from "Kiki"

Kiki- Where u @

Me- with the boys rn. How u holdin up

Kiki- took a few deep breathes, played the piano, sang, painted a picture... I'm ight tbh.

Me- ur taking in v well 👌

Kiki- trying to stay strong..

Kiki- u with Edwin?

Me- yeah he's in the house.

Kiki- i want to see him.

Me- hold on.


Edwin walked towards me.

"Wassup?" He looked quite sad. I patted his shoulder gently.

"Kiki wants you." I said, winking at him. He nodded and got in the car to drive to my house as i sat with Brandon and Zion on the sofa.

🎵i thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me.." I sang quietly in boredom as i was in Brandon's arms. He kissed my forehead as i smiled.

"About yesterday.." Zion started, "Is it true? You know, Rose losing her virginity at 16, bullying you.." He asked, looking at me. I sighed and separated myself from the comfort of Brandon's arms.

"Yep. I thought she changed, until.. You know.. What happened." I murmured. We sat in silence - it was so awkward that i had to go to the bathroom. I walked inside and shut the door behind me. I paused to hear murmurs from the living room.

"So, how's your relationship with Cleo?"

"Really good, actually. I could look at her all day. She really is a blessing."


"What about Rose?"

"I mean, i still love her but.. After what Kiira and Cleo said, i don't know how to feel about her."

I stood at the door, listening to them talking about me and Rose. But then, someone knocked at the door.

"Hurry up, I'm desperate!" Nick banged on the door, making me jump. I quickly opened the door.

"Sorry." I mumbled, letting him in as i walked out.

I actually have no idea what to write so... Sorry for the boring chapter. Hopefully the next one will be better🌹

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