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"What the fu-" i ran to where she was with Zion. My eyes widened at the disgusting sight.

"Rose.." Zion whispered. I shook my head as i hugged Cleo tightly, taking in all her tears.

"YOU BITCH! DO YOU NOT HAVE A HEART!? NOTHING EVER CHANGES WITH YOU, DOES IT?" I shouted. Brandon was shirtless on the bed with her.

"Brandon.." Zion was definitely speechless. I walked away with Cleo in my arms - she had to go home.

Zion's P.O.V

How could they do this? How could Brandon do this? No, no, no. Brandon isn't like that. It's Rose that got him into this. It has to be Rose.

"What the fuck has gotten into you?" I asked, my eyes filling with tears as i looked at Rose, who seemed like she was trying to kiss Brandon everywhere.


"Babe? Babe!?" i stepped towards her. I shook my head. "Fuck you Rose Dunn." i said, pointing to the door. She left and i looked at Brandon, who was sat on the edge of the bed with his hands on his head.

"Why?" I asked.

"I tried to go! I tried my hardest to get her hoe ass off of me!" he got up, trying to get the kiss marks off his cheeks.

"I am so sorry Zion. But now you know that she ain't as loyal as you thought. If you didn't just break up with her when Kiira and Cleo gave you the most obvious hints, none of this would've happened. Now, Cleo probably hates me." He said, looking at me. I shook my head, debating with myself whether it was Brandon's fault, Rose's fault, or even my fault.

"I need some time alone.." I hinted for him to leave as i sat on my bed. 


Kiira drove me home.  My heart actually hurts: i couldn't talk unless i really had to, i felt cold and apparently i was quite pale too. Soon, Kiira led me in the house so i could go to my room.

"Aye, what's up?" Leo asked as i walked to my room.

"Cleo?" Anais followed Kiki and I upstairs. i lay on my bed and just cried.

"Cleo what's wrong, honey?" She asked. I actually couldn't speak over my never ending tears.

"Rose forced Brandon to cheat on her." Kiira explained everything to Anais and Leo as i stared at the ceiling.

"It hurts." I spoke up. "It hurts so bad." I cried again, receiving a hug from Leo. I looked at my phone, which turned on with notifications from snapchat. Edwin, Nick, Austin and Zion texted me. I reached out for my phone and opened Edwin's messages.

I'm so sorry about what happened. Hopefully we can make it up to you.

I left it on 'read' and opened Austin's messages.

You don't deserve the shit that happened to you. Sorry.

I opened Nick's message too.

Brandon isn't a cheater, i swear. If anyone got him into this, it was Rose. Please don't hate Brandon for this. He explained to all of us that he tried to get her off him.

I decided not read what Zion sent to me because it probably would've been something thirsty as fuck. At this point, i don't think i could function without Brandon. He was my best friend and my boyfriend. Now, that ended because of that hoe, Rose. I miss him but hate him at the same time. Soon, everyone left my room so i could take a nap - seperate myself from this shitty world. 

After an hour of sleeping, i woke up a knock at the door.

"Um, Cleo...? A note came and i think it's for you.." Anais said softly, pulling her hair behind her ear and lending the note to me. I smiled at her as i tried to get my puffy eyes to read what was on the paper.

He had his eyes on you during the whole thing. Therefore, i gave you what you deserved. Don't say i didn't warn you. - Your Therapist.

My eyes watered. Then, i realised.

"But if you do anything to make Zion show the slightest love for you, you'll experience something heart breaking. Very heart breaking. Watch yourself, Cleo."

"THAT BITCH!" I screamed. I got up quickly and grabbed my car keys, ignoring everyone that tried to get ne to stop. I sat in the car and locked all the doors.


Where's Rose

Babe, im so sorry about what happened  it truly wasn't my fault. Please forgive me.

Im not asking for an apology im asking for Rose.

Where tf is she??


I rolled my eyes and decided to drive to her house. When i pulled up, i walked  to her door and began to bang on the door. She opens it and i slap her across the face in a strength i never knew would pass me. I pushed her into the house so she would fall on her sofa. Holding her down, i leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"You've made the biggest mistake ever, bitch." i gritted my teeth. I slapped her again and left to go back home.

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