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Angel (not edited)

"Flight 282 has safely and successfully landed in Los Angeles, California, the time is now 1:45 and the weather is around 85 degrees and sunny. Also, if you didn't have a carry on, baggage claim will be on the first floor, to the left and will say flight 282 from Portland. Thank you for flying with United Airlines." The dame flight attendant informs all the passengers on this flight. I sigh waiting for everyone to exit the plane before I get out my seat. Stretching a bit then grabbing both duffel bags and my book bag and exiting the plane.

I make my way to baggage claim following the herd of people that I recognize on my plane.

Yea I know I really didn't pay attention to where I was supposed to be going to retrieve my bags so I guess my way is smart enough.

I finally get downstairs waiting with the rest of the people for our bags to come out. I've never really thought of it, but thousands of people come to this one airport just to all go to all different destinations. Like me from Portland, I just got on a plane with who knows how many people going to the same destination: LAX, but for all different reasons. Ehh but that's just a thought.

"Baggage claim for flight 282 from Portland will be out in about 10 minutes, sorry for the delay."The announcer came over the PA once more. I decided I would take this time to call Aurora.

"Aurora!" I exclaimed loudly that people turned around and looked at me. "What?" She questions
"What else A, I landed in L.A"

"Wow, now I'm mad you're all the way in L.A while Im stuck in shitty Maine."

"But hey you'll be out here next year and I'll make sure of that."

"Yea I hope so" she says and I can practically just see the frown she has displays on her face.

"Aurora, I promise and hey, I'll be home for thanksgi—"

"Excuse me miss" I was interrupted. I looked up from my phone saying to Aurora "hold on a sec"

"Yea?" I reply utterly confused.

"Did it hurt when you fell?" I looked around confused for a second before turning my attention back to the mystery guy.

He had smaller dreads that crowded his hair. He obviously dyed the tips blonde. Covering the small dreads that he had, he wore a hat. He had big nice eyebrows and probably the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen.

"What? Are you talking to me?" I say pointing a finger to my chest.

"Yea...Did it hurt when you fell" he said, his piercing brown eyes looking in my plain boring brown eyes. He took a pause then continued "from Heaven?" He says.

"No but my name is Angel and that was a horrible pickup line" I say giving him a wink before walking away rather quickly from him so he wouldn't see me blush.

"Ok that was probably the most awkwardest encounter I've ever had with a guy. And he was cute too" I exclaim to Aurora who was looking at me with wide eyes before saying:

"Damn you go Angel, getting guys before you even get to the University." After she says that I let out a chuckle with her. I spot the bags coming out the little passageway. "I gotta go Aurora, the bags are coming out right now"

"Ok bye Angel" she says. Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I make my way over closer to the moving belt. I spot 2 purple/white striped suitcases making its way down the belt grabbing them and moving off to the side. I attach a duffel bag to each suitcase. I was headed to go back upstairs by escalator when I was stopped again by the same light skinned boy.

"Let me help you" he says taking both bags and suitcases out of my hands. He continues up the escalator leaving me behind in shock before I follow behind him. It's rather quiet so I decide to start a small conversation to be polite.

" So do you just like hang around In the airport helping random people? I let out a little snort.

Yea I laugh at my own jokes and comments.  Is that bad?

"No this is the first time and it's because I saw a pretty girl all by herself so I had to make a move." this statement makes me blush so I keep quiet to save myself of embarrassment by stuttering.

When we get up the escalator, I finally caught up with him so that we're side to side. "So you know that my name's Angel So what's yours, mystery?"

He lets out a deep laugh before saying "I think I like the name mystery better than my own name"
I frown but continue to keep nagging him about his name.

"It's Zion" he finally says
"See it wasn't that hard" I simply state shrugging my shoulders.

"Woah there, that's what she said" he says turning around and winking at me. Wow double meanings.
I let out a laugh with him because alongside with him, I had an extremely dirty mind.

"Oh my gosh chill out, I didn't mean it like that" I say hitting him on his shoulder right shoulder.
He dramatically drops all my bags clutching his right arm. "I didn't even hit you that hard" I exclaim laughing.

He picks up all my bags once again saying "but I could hit you that hard" he winks at me because of his statement.

This boy

Blushing for like the 10th time I remain cool and collected as possible showing him that he doesn't have an effect on me at all.

"So is everything all dirty minded and negative with you" I wave my arms in a circular motion then pulling my book bag up my shoulder further.

"For the most part" he says and shrugs. We make it to the entrance of the airport. "Well here we are princess" he says handing over my bags once we're outside. Outside there's many people catching Taxi's and waiting for other people as well as people going into the airport.

"Thank you Zi-Zion" I stutter over my words for what seems like no reason at all. "Anytime" he says raising his hand for a taxi to come. He loads my bags into the back of the trunk with the help of the taxi driver.

"So since I helped you with your bags, you owe me–hmmm...he pauses putting his hand on his chin as if he was thinking "your number".

"Seems fair enough I guess. Ready?"

"Yea" he says taking out his phone pulling up a new contact.

"It's (###)-###-####" I say watching as he types each number in his phone carefully. He helps me into the taxi cab closing the door behind me and waving me off.

"Where to ma'am?"

"To UCLA" I state before heavily sighing.


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