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Angel (not edited)

I hurriedly call Zion because I have no idea where he's at.

"Hey Z so I kinda need you to come to dinner with me because my mom wants you to and she doesn't take no for an answer." I rush out in a hurry pacing around the small dorm room.

"Ok ok, slow down because I have no idea what you just said." He says, his laugh vibrating through the phone.

"I. Need. You. To. Go. To. Dinner. With. Me." I say being annoying by pronouncing my words slowly.

"Ooh a date? Angel you coulda just asked." I mentally face palm myself taking in a big breath. "No it's with my mom and my uncle. I don't know why she wants you there, she just does. It's not a date."

"Can I go?" I hear Nick shout through the phone.

"No!" Zion and I simultaneously shout through the phone at the same time. "What time?" Zion asks.

"Now." I sat and I can hear him scurrying around his room through the phone. "Ok. Give me a second and I'll be over." He says then hangs up. This would've been so bad if he lived anywhere else.

I hear 3 knocks on my door and I open it up to see Zion in khakis and red shirt. "Where do you work, target?" I joke grabbing my purse and locking the dorm room. Hopefully Austin has his keys or he's not getting in any time soon.

He rolls his eyes playfully intertwining his hand in mine as we walked down the hallway. "So dinner with your family huh?" He asks and I nod my head as a response. He seems more nervous than usual, his hand is shaking more. I grip his hand tighter making our way to his car. I should really buy a car down here, in Maine I was always using my mom's car.

"Where to Angel?"

"Cheesecake Factory."

The car ride didn't take that long, only about 10 minutes. We make our way inside the crowded area trying to search for my mom.

"Angel!" My mom shouts over all the talking people in the waiting area. I grin at her excitement and give her a hug, leaning into her embrace. It's only been barely a month and I already miss her.

Zion straightens up his posture still not letting go of my hand as he looks at my mom and I.

"Zion?" She asks uncertainly. He nods his head saying, "Yes, that's me. And sorry I would've gotten you something, but I didn't have enough time and—" he's cut off when she pulls him into hug, shocking both of us. He tensed beside me, then relaxes a couple seconds later, hugging her back. "This is Angel's uncle, Omar. My mom introduces my uncle to Zion.

Zion shakes his hand firmly right after I get done hugging him. "Nice to meet you Mr. Owens." My uncle nods his head at him.

"Ok let's go!" My mom excitedly leads us to their table. My mom and uncle on one side, while Zion and I are perched on the other side.

After the waiter took our order my uncle cuts all of this niceness and gets straight to the point. "Ok I'm only here because your so-called father has been sending stalker-ish messages correct?" He asks and I nod my head at him.

"Let me see." He demands sternly and I hand over my phone. He searches through the messages, analyzing each one of them. His face remains stoic and impassive throughout the whole time.

He hands me my phone back saying, "I'll look into it more, send me the messages." He says giving Zion a stern look. I nod my head as a response not saying anything further. I trust my uncle because he's an amazing detective. Sherlock Holmes who?

"And you're not involved in any of this?" He looks at Zion while he takes the plates out of the waiter's hands. My mother scolds him by hitting his arm but he doesn't even flinch.

Angel >Zion Kuwonu (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now